A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X 


gatherTransparentRegion(android.graphics.Region) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
generateDefaultLayoutParams() - function in android.widget.FrameLayout
generateDisplayHash(java.lang.String,android.graphics.Rect,java.util.concurrent.Executor,android.view.displayhash.DisplayHashResultCallback) - function in android.view.View
generateLayoutParams(android.util.AttributeSet) - function in android.widget.FrameLayout
generateViewId() - function in android.view.View
GENERIC - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.metadata.ChromecastMetadataType

The content type is generic.

GET - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.contentprotection.RequestMethod
get(java.lang.String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.internal.util.ReadOnlyMap
get(java.lang.String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.internal.util.ReadOnlyMap
getAbr() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
The adaptive bitrate configuration.
getAbrStrategy() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.abr.Abr
The adaptive bitrate strategy configuration.
getAccessibilityClassName() - function in android.widget.FrameLayout
getAccessibilityDelegate() - function in android.view.View
getAccessibilityLiveRegion() - function in android.view.View
getAccessibilityNodeProvider() - function in android.view.View
getAccessibilityPaneTitle() - function in android.view.View
getAccessibilityTraversalAfter() - function in android.view.View
getAccessibilityTraversalBefore() - function in android.view.View
getAccountId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.IrdetoConfiguration
The identifier of the Irdeto account.
getAccountName() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.TitaniumDRMConfiguration
The account name.
getActionBar() - function in android.app.Activity
getActiveCues() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrack
The list of active TextTrackCues of the track.
getActiveQuality() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack.MediaTrack
The active Quality of the media track, i.e.
getActivityResultRegistry() - function in androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
getAd() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaAdErrorEvent
The GoogleImaAd for which the event occurs.
getAd() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaAdEvent
The GoogleImaAd for which the event occurs.
getAd() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor.MediaTailorAdEvent
The MediaTailorAd for which the event occurs.
getAd() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AdBeginEvent
The Ad for which the event occurs.
getAd() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AdClickedEvent
The Ad for which the event occurs.
getAd() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AdEndEvent
The Ad for which the event occurs.
getAd() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AdErrorEvent
The Ad for which the event occurs.
getAd() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AdFirstQuartileEvent
The Ad for which the event occurs.
getAd() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AdImpressionEvent
The Ad for which the event occurs.
getAd() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AdLoadedEvent
The Ad for which the event occurs.
getAd() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AdMidpointEvent
The Ad for which the event occurs.
getAd() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AdSkipEvent
The Ad for which the event occurs.
getAd() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AdTappedEvent
The Ad for which the event occurs.
getAd() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AdThirdQuartileEvent
The Ad for which the event occurs.
getAd() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AddAdEvent
The Ad for which the event occurs.
getAd() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.SingleAdEvent
The Ad for which the event occurs.
getAdAvail() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor.MediaTailorAdBreakEvent
The MediaTailorAdAvail for which the event occurs.
getAdBreak() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.Ad
A reference to the AdBreak of which the ad is a part of.
getAdBreak() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaAd
getAdBreak() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.LinearAd
A reference to the AdBreak of which the ad is a part of.
getAdBreak() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.MediaTailorAd
getAdBreak() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.NonLinearAd
A reference to the AdBreak of which the ad is a part of.
getAdBreak() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.THEOAd
getAdBreak() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AdBreakBeginEvent
The AdBreak for which the event occurs.
getAdBreak() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AdBreakChangeEvent
The AdBreak for which the event occurs.
getAdBreak() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AdBreakEndEvent
The AdBreak for which the event occurs.
getAdBreak() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AdBreakEvent
The AdBreak for which the event occurs.
getAdBreak() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AddAdBreakEvent
The AdBreak for which the event occurs.
getAdBreak() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.MediaTailorAdBreakEvent
getAdBreak() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.RemoveAdBreakEvent
The AdBreak for which the event occurs.
getAdBreaks() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ServerSideAdIntegrationController
The scheduled ad breaks managed by this integration.
getAdData() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaAdErrorEvent
A Map<String, String> containing any extra ad data for the event, if needed.
getAdData() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaAdEvent
A Map<String, String> containing any extra ad data for the event, if needed.
getAdditionalSessionProviders(android.content.Context) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cast.chromecast.DefaultCastOptionsProvider
getAdError() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaAdErrorEvent
An AdError containing more information about the error.
getAdIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.AdIntegration
The textual representation of the ad integration.
getAdParams() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.mediatailor.MediaTailorSource
Optional Map of ad parameters to perform client-side ad reporting.
getAds() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.AdBreak
The list of all the ads which will be played sequentially at the ad break's time offset.
getAds() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaAdBreak
getAds() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.MediaTailorAdAvail
getAds() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ServerSideAdIntegrationController
The scheduled ads managed by this integration.
getAds() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.THEOAdBreak
getAds() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
The ads API.
getAds() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.SourceDescription
List of AdDescriptions of the source.
getAdSlotId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.CompanionAd
An identifier of the element in which the companion ad should be appended, if available.
getAdSlotId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaCompanionAd
getAdsRenderingSettings() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.dai.GoogleDaiIntegration
The ads rendering settings which will be used when requesting a stream.
getAdsRenderingSettings() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaIntegration
The ads rendering settings which will be used when requesting an ad.
getAdSystem() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaAd
The source ad server information included in the ad response.
getAdSystem() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.THEOAd
The source ad server information included in the ad response.
getAdTagParameters() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.TheoAdDescription
The ad tag parameters added to the stream request.
getAdTagParameters() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.GoogleDaiConfiguration
The ad tag parameters added to stream request.
getAdTagParameters() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.GoogleDaiConfiguration
The ad tag parameters added to stream request.
getAdTagParameters() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.GoogleDaiConfiguration
The ad tag parameters added to stream request.
getAllowedHandwritingDelegatePackageName() - function in android.view.View
getAllowedHandwritingDelegatorPackageName() - function in android.view.View
getAlpha() - function in android.view.View
getAltText() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.CompanionAd
An alternative description for ad.
getAltText() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaCompanionAd
getAmount() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingParameters
The amount of data to cache for the given stream.
getAmountOfBufferedAudioSegments() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.metrics.BufferedSegments
The total number of buffered audio segments since the last source change.
getAmountOfBufferedVideoSegments() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.metrics.BufferedSegments
The total number of buffered video segments since the last source change.
getAnalyticsDisabled() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.theolive.THEOLiveConfig
Returns whether the Analytics is supported or not.
getAnimation() - function in android.view.View
getAnimationMatrix() - function in android.view.View
getApiKey() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.GoogleDaiConfiguration
The API key for the stream request.
getApiKey() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.GoogleDaiConfiguration
The API key for the stream request.
getApiKey() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.GoogleDaiConfiguration
The API key for the stream request.
getApiUrl() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.millicast.MillicastSource
The URL of the API endpoint that the SDK communicates with for authentication.
getApplication() - function in android.app.Activity
getApplicationContext() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getApplicationInfo() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getApplicationWindowToken() - function in android.view.View
getAssetKey() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.dai.GoogleDaiLiveConfiguration
The identifier for the video content source for live streams.
getAssets() - function in android.view.ContextThemeWrapper
getAttributeClass() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.DateRangeCue
The class of the date range cue.
getAttributeResolutionStack(int) - function in android.view.View
getAttributeSourceResourceMap() - function in android.view.View
getAttributionSource() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getAttributionTag() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getAudioSamplingRate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack.quality.AudioQuality
The sampling rate of the audio quality.
getAudioTracks() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
List of audio tracks of the current source.
getAudioTrackSelection() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingPreferredTrackSelection
The list of language tags that indicates the preferred audio tracks to be cached.
getAuthToken() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.TitaniumDRMConfiguration
The authentication token.
getAuthToken() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.GoogleDaiConfiguration
The authorization token for the stream request.
getAuthToken() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.GoogleDaiConfiguration
The authorization token for the stream request.
getAuthToken() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.GoogleDaiConfiguration
The authorization token for the stream request.
getAutofillHints() - function in android.view.View
getAutofillId() - function in android.view.View
getAutofillType() - function in android.view.View
getAutofillValue() - function in android.view.View
getAvailabilityType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.GoogleDaiConfiguration
The type of the requested stream.
getAvailabilityType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.GoogleDaiConfiguration
The type of the requested stream.
getBackdropDoubleBox() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.TheoAdDescription
Default backdrop image URI to be used as a background for ads in double box layout.
getBackdropLShape() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.TheoAdDescription
Default backdrop image URI to be used as a background for ads in L-shape layout.
getBackground() - function in android.view.View
getBackgroundColor() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrackStyle
Returns current background color
getBackgroundTintBlendMode() - function in android.view.View
getBackgroundTintList() - function in android.view.View
getBackgroundTintMode() - function in android.view.View
getBandwidth() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingParameters
The upper bandwidth limit of the quality to cache.
getBandwidth() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.theolive.VideoQuality
getBandwidth() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack.quality.AudioQuality
The required bandwidth for the quality as defined in the manifest.
getBandwidth() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack.quality.Quality
The required bandwidth for the quality as defined in the manifest.
getBandwidth() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack.quality.VideoQuality
The required bandwidth for the quality as defined in the manifest.
getBaseContext() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getBaseline() - function in android.view.View
getBitrate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.abr.AbrStrategyMetadata
The initial bitrate.
getBody() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.contentprotection.Request
The body of the request.
getBody() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.contentprotection.Response
The body of the response.
getBody() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.CompleteHTTPResponse
The response body received from the request.
getBody() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.HTTPRequest
The request body to be used during a POST or PUT request.
getBody() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.InterceptableHTTPRequest
The mutable request body to be used during a POST or PUT request.
getBottom() - function in android.view.View
getBottomFadingEdgeStrength() - function in android.view.View
getBottomPaddingOffset() - function in android.view.View
getBuffered() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
Returns the ranges of the media that the player has buffered.
getBufferedSegments() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.metrics.Metrics
The total number of audio and video segments in the buffer.
getBytes() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingTask
The estimation of the amount this task will download and store, in bytes.
getBytes() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingTaskProgress
The estimation of the amount this task will download and store, in bytes.
getBytes(java.lang.String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.DateRangeCue.CustomAttributes
The byte[] value from the CustomAttribute list.
getBytesCached() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingTask
The amount downloaded and stored, in bytes.
getBytesCached() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingTaskProgress
The amount downloaded and stored, in bytes.
getCache() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.THEOplayerGlobal
The cache.
getCached() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingTask
The time ranges indicating the data which has been cached.
getCached() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingTaskProgress
The time ranges indicating the data which has been cached.
getCacheDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getCallingActivity() - function in android.app.Activity
getCallingPackage() - function in android.app.Activity
getCameraDistance() - function in android.view.View
getCast() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.THEOplayerView
The Cast instance of this THEOplayerView.
getCastOptions(android.content.Context) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cast.chromecast.DefaultCastOptionsProvider
getCastStrategy() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cast.CastConfiguration
The Cast Strategy.
getCategory() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCode
The ErrorCategory that the ErrorCode belongs.
getCategory() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.THEOplayerException
The ErrorCategory of the error.
getCategory() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.THEOplayerException
The ErrorCategory of the error.
getCause() - function in java.lang.Throwable
getCause() - function in java.lang.Throwable
getCertificate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.KeySystemConfiguration
The certificate.
getCertificate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.KeySystemConfiguration
The certificate.
getCertificateURL() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.FairPlayKeySystemConfiguration
The URL of the certificate.
getCertificateURL() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.AzureDRMConfiguration
The Azure certificate URL.
getChangingConfigurations() - function in android.app.Activity
getChannelId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.theolive.PublicationLoadStartEvent
The new channel of the player.
getChannelId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.theolive.PublicationLoadedEvent
The new channel of the player.
getChannelId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.theolive.PublicationOfflineEvent
The new channel of the player.
getChildAt(int) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
getChildCount() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
getChildDrawingOrder(int,int) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
getChildMeasureSpec(int,int,int) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
getChildren() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.ChapterToc
The list of child element IDs.
getChildStaticTransformation(android.view.View,android.view.animation.Transformation) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
getChildVisibleRect(android.view.View,android.graphics.Rect,android.graphics.Point) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
getChromecast() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cast.Cast
The Chromecast integration API.
getChromeCast() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cast.GlobalCast
The global Chromecast integration API.
getClassLoader() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getClearkey() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.DRMConfiguration
The ClearKey key system configuration.
getClearkey() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.DRMConfiguration
The ClearKey key system configuration.
getClickThrough() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.AdInit
The website of the advertiser.
getClickThrough() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.CompanionAd
The website of the advertisement.
getClickThrough() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaCompanionAd
getClickThrough() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.NonLinearAd
The website of the advertiser.
getClipBounds() - function in android.view.View
getClipBounds(android.graphics.Rect) - function in android.view.View
getClipChildren() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
getClipToOutline() - function in android.view.View
getClipToPadding() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
getCode() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.THEOplayerException
The unique ErrorCode of the error.
getCode() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.THEOplayerException
The unique ErrorCode of the error.
getCodeCacheDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getCodecs() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack.quality.AudioQuality
The codecs of the quality as defined in the manifest.
getCodecs() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack.quality.Quality
The codecs of the quality as defined in the manifest.
getCodecs() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack.quality.VideoQuality
The codecs of the quality as defined in the manifest.
getColor(int) - function in android.content.Context
getColorStateList(int) - function in android.content.Context
getCompanions() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.Ad
The List of CompanionAds associated to the ad, if available within the same Creatives element.
getCompanions() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaAd
getCompanions() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.LinearAd
The List of CompanionAds associated to the ad, if available within the same Creatives element.
getCompanions() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.MediaTailorAd
getCompanions() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.NonLinearAd
The List of CompanionAds associated to the ad, if available within the same Creatives element.
getCompanions() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.THEOAd
getComponentName() - function in android.app.Activity
getConnectOptions() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.millicast.MillicastSource
The optional configuration for adjusting stream settings.
getConnectTimeout() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.HTTPRequest
The connection timeout in milliseconds.
getConnectTimeout() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.InterceptableHTTPRequest
The connection timeout in milliseconds.
getConsiderGoneChildrenWhenMeasuring() - function in android.widget.FrameLayout
getContent() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.DateRangeCue
The content of the cue, it depends on the TextTrack's getType.
getContent() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.ID3Cue
The content of the cue, it depends on the TextTrack's getType.
getContent() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.TextTrackCue
The content of the cue, it depends on the TextTrack's getType.
getContentCaptureSession() - function in android.view.View
getContentDescription() - function in android.view.View
getContentId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.IrdetoConfiguration
The identifier of the content.
getContentResolver() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getContentScene() - function in android.app.Activity
getContentSourceID() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.dai.GoogleDaiVodConfiguration
The identifier for the publisher's content for on-demand streams.
getContentTransitionManager() - function in android.app.Activity
getContext() - function in android.view.View
getContextMenuInfo() - function in android.view.View
getCorruptedVideoFrames() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.metrics.Metrics
The total number of corrupted video frames since the last source change.
getCreativeId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaAd
The identifier of the selected creative for the ad.
getCreativeId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.THEOAd
The identifier of the selected creative for the ad.
getCredential() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.millicast.MillicastSource
The credentials required to connect and subscribe to the stream.
getCrmId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.IrdetoConfiguration
The identifier of the CRM.
getCue() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.texttrack.AddCueEvent
The TextTrackCue that was added.
getCue() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.texttrack.EnterCueEvent
The TextTrackCue that entered.
getCue() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.texttrack.ExitCueEvent
The TextTrackCue that exited.
getCue() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.texttrack.RemoveCueEvent
The TextTrackCue that was removed.
getCue() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.texttrack.UpdateCueEvent
The TextTrackCue that entered.
getCue() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.texttrack.texttrackcue.EnterEvent
The TextTrackCue of the event.
getCue() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.texttrack.texttrackcue.ExitEvent
The TextTrackCue of the event.
getCue() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.texttrack.texttrackcue.TextTrackCueEvent
The TextTrackCue of the event.
getCue() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.texttrack.texttrackcue.UpdateEvent
The TextTrackCue of the event.
getCuePoints() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.dai.GoogleDaiIntegration
Returns a list of CuePoint where ads will be played.
getCues() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrack
The list of TextTrackCues of the track.
getCurrentAdBreak() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.Ads
Returns the active AdBreak (containing the currently playing Ad).
getCurrentAds() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.Ads
Returns a list of the currently active Ad (linear and/or non linear).
getCurrentBandwidthEstimate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.metrics.Metrics
The current estimated bandwidth since the last source change.
getCurrentFocus() - function in android.app.Activity
getCurrentLatency() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.latency.LatencyManager
The current latency.
getCurrentLatencyConfiguration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.latency.LatencyManager
The current latency configuration for the current source, if available.
getCurrentProgramDateTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.TimeUpdateEvent
The program date time associated with the player.
getCurrentProgramDateTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
The current playback position of the media, as a timestamp.
getCurrentTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.CanPlayEvent
The current time at which the player can play.
getCurrentTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.CanPlayThroughEvent
The current time at which the player can play through.
getCurrentTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.EndedEvent
The time at which the content has ended.
getCurrentTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.LoadedDataEvent
The time from which the player can render the content for the first time.
getCurrentTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.LoadedMetadataEvent
The time from which the player has the metadata ready.
getCurrentTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.MediaEncryptedEvent
The time at which the media is encrypted.
getCurrentTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.PauseEvent
The time at which the player is paused.
getCurrentTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.PlayEvent
The time from which the player will play.
getCurrentTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.PlayingEvent
The time from where the player is ready to start playing.
getCurrentTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.ProgressEvent
The time at which the player is currently fetching media data.
getCurrentTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.RateChangeEvent
The time at which the playback rate of the player changed.
getCurrentTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.ReadyStateChangeEvent
The time at which the ReadyState changed.
getCurrentTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.ResizeEvent
The time at which the video format of the stream was changed, in seconds.
getCurrentTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.SeekedEvent
The time to which the player seeked.
getCurrentTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.SeekingEvent
The time to which the player is currently seeking.
getCurrentTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.TimeUpdateEvent
The playback position where the player is currently at.
getCurrentTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.VolumeChangeEvent
The time at which the volume of the player was changed, in seconds.
getCurrentTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.WaitingEvent
The time at which the player is waiting.
getCurrentTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
Returns the current playback position of the media, in seconds.
getCustomAssetKey() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.TheoAdDescription
Default custom asset key to use for ad requests.
getCustomAttributes() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.DateRangeCue
The custom attributes of the date range cue.
getCustomData() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.Ad
The additional integration-specific data associated with this ad.
getCustomData() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.AdBreak
The additional integration-specific data associated with this ad break.
getCustomData() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.AdBreakInit
Additional integration-specific data associated with this ad break.
getCustomData() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.AdInit
Additional integration-specific data associated with this ad.
getCustomData() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaAd
getCustomData() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaAdBreak
getCustomData() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.LinearAd
The additional integration-specific data associated with this ad.
getCustomData() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.MediaTailorAd
getCustomData() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.MediaTailorAdAvail
getCustomData() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.NonLinearAd
The additional integration-specific data associated with this ad.
getCustomData() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.THEOAd
getCustomData() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.THEOAdBreak
getCustomdata() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.KeyOSDRMConfiguration
The custom data for the license acquisition request.
getCustomdata() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.KeyOSKeySystemConfiguration
The custom data for the license acquisition request.
getCustomerName() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.TitaniumDRMConfiguration
The customer name.
getCustomIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.Ad
The type of custom ad integration.
getCustomIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.AdBreak
The type of custom ad integration.
getCustomIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaAd
getCustomIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaAdBreak
getCustomIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.LinearAd
The type of custom ad integration.
getCustomIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.MediaTailorAd
getCustomIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.MediaTailorAdAvail
getCustomIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.NonLinearAd
The type of custom ad integration.
getCustomIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.THEOAd
getCustomIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.THEOAdBreak
getCustomIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.CustomSsaiDescription
The ID of the custom SSAI integration.
getCustomIntegrationId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.DRMConfiguration
The custom integration identifier of the DRM integration.
getCustomIntegrationId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.DRMConfiguration
The custom integration identifier of the DRM integration.
getDash() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getDash() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getDash() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
Returns the configuration for controlling playback of an DASH stream.
getDash() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getDash() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
Returns the configuration for controlling playback of an DASH stream.
getData() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.AttachedPicture
The data of the attached picture.
getData() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.GeneralEncapsulatedObject
The data of the encapsulated object.
getData() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.Private
The private data.
getData() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.Unknown
The raw data of the frame.
getData() - function in com.theoplayer.android.internal.util.ReadOnlyMap
getData() - function in com.theoplayer.android.internal.util.ReadOnlyMap
getDatabasePath(java.lang.String) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getDataDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AbstractTargetQualityChangedEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ActiveQualityChangedEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdBeginEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdBreakBeginEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdBreakChangeEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdBreakEndEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdBreakEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdClickedEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdEndEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdErrorEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdFirstQuartileEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdImpressionEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdLoadedEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdMidpointEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdSkipEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdTappedEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdThirdQuartileEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AddAdBreakEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AddAdEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AddCueEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AddTaskEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AddTrackEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CacheEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CacheStateChangeEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CachingTaskErrorEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CachingTaskEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CachingTaskListEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CachingTaskProgressEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CachingTaskStateChangeEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CanPlayEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CanPlayThroughEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CastErrorEvent
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CastStateChangeEvent
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ChangeEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ChromecastEvent
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ContentProtectionErrorEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ContentProtectionSuccessEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CueChangeEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.DestroyEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.DurationChangeEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.EndedEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.EnterCueEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.EnterEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ErrorEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.Event
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ExitCueEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ExitEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.GoogleImaAdErrorEvent
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.GoogleImaAdEvent
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.IntentToFallbackEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.LoadStartEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.LoadedDataEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.LoadedMetadataEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.MediaEncryptedEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.MediaTailorAdBreakEvent
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.MediaTailorAdEvent
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.NoSupportedRepresentationFoundEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.PauseEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.PlayEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.PlayerEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.PlayingEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.PresentationModeChange
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ProgressEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.PublicationLoadStartEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.PublicationLoadedEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.PublicationOfflineEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.QualityChangedEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.QualityEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.QualityUpdateEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.RateChangeEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ReadyStateChangeEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.RemoveAdBreakEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.RemoveCueEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.RemoveTaskEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.RemoveTrackEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ResizeEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.SeekedEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.SeekingEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.SegmentNotFoundEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.SingleAdEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.SourceChangeEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.TargetQualityChangedEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.TextTrackCueEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.TheoLiveEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.TimeUpdateEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.TrackEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.TrackListChangeEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.TrackListEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.UpdateCueEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.UpdateEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.VolumeChangeEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.WaitingEvent
The Date when the event occurred.
getDecoderName(com.theoplayer.android.api.settings.DecoderType,java.lang.String,boolean) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.settings.PlaybackSettings
Returns the decoder name that would be selected for a media with the specified properties.
getDefaultFocusHighlightEnabled() - function in android.view.View
getDefaultSize(int,int) - function in android.view.View
getDefaultViewModelCreationExtras() - function in androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
getDefaultViewModelProviderFactory() - function in androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
getDelegate() - function in androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
getDelivery() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.MediaFile
The delivery type.
getDescendantFocusability() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
getDescription() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingTaskError
The description of the caching task error.
getDescription() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cast.chromecast.CastError
The description of the cast error.
getDescription() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.AttachedPicture
The description of the attached picture.
getDescription() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.Comments
The description of the comments.
getDescription() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.GeneralEncapsulatedObject
The description of the encapsulated object.
getDescription() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.Text
The description of the text.
getDescription() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.Url
The description of the URL.
getDeviceId() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getDeviceId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.ConaxDRMConfiguration
The identifier of the Conax Device.
getDir(java.lang.String,int) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getDisplay() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getDisplay() - function in android.view.View
getDouble(java.lang.String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.DateRangeCue.CustomAttributes
The Double value from the CustomAttribute list.
getDrawable(int) - function in android.content.Context
getDrawableState() - function in android.view.View
getDrawerToggleDelegate() - function in androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
getDrawingCache() - function in android.view.View
getDrawingCacheBackgroundColor() - function in android.view.View
getDrawingCacheQuality() - function in android.view.View
getDrawingRect(android.graphics.Rect) - function in android.view.View
getDrawingTime() - function in android.view.View
getDrm() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getDrm() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getDrm() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
The DRMConfiguration which specifies valid DRM parameters for this source.
getDrm() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getDrm() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
The DRMConfiguration which specifies valid DRM parameters for this source.
getDroppedVideoFrames() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.metrics.Metrics
The total number of dropped video frames since the last source change.
getDuration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.AdInit
The duration of the ad, in seconds.
getDuration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.LinearAd
The duration of the LinearAd, as provided by the VAST file, in seconds.
getDuration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor.MediaTailorAd
The duration of the MediaTailor ad.
getDuration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor.MediaTailorAdAvail
The duration of the MediaTailor adBreak.
getDuration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingTask
The requested cached duration of the media, in seconds.
getDuration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingTaskProgress
The requested cached duration of the media, in seconds.
getDuration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.DurationChangeEvent
The new duration of the content.
getDuration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
The duration of the media, in seconds.
getDuration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.DateRangeCue
The duration of the date range cue.
getEdgeColor() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrackStyle
Returns current edge color
getEdgeType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrackStyle
Returns current edge type
getElementId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.Chapter
The unique identifier for this chapter.
getElementId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.ChapterToc
The unique identifier for this chapter table of contents.
getElevation() - function in android.view.View
getEnableSnapback() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.dai.GoogleDaiIntegration
Whether snapback is enabled.
getEnd() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.timerange.TimeRange
The end time of the TimeRange.
getEnd(int) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.timerange.TimeRanges
The end time of a certain TimeRange.
getEndDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.DateRangeCue
The playback position at which the date range cue becomes inactive, as a Date.
getEndOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.Chapter
The offset of the first byte of the audio frame following this chapter, in bytes from the beginning of the file.
getEndTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.DateRangeCue
getEndTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.ID3Cue
getEndTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.TextTrackCue
getEndTimeMs() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.Chapter
The end time of the chapter, in milliseconds from the beginning of the file.
getEntries() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaAdEventType
The event types of GoogleImaAdEvent.
getEntries() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor.MediaTailorAdBreakEventType
getEntries() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor.MediaTailorAdEventType
getEntries() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.TheoAdsLayoutOverride
Override config for the THEOads ad layout.
getEntries() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.RequestMediaType
The media's type.
getEntries() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.RequestSubType
The request's subtype.
getEntries() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.RequestType
The request's type.
getEntries() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.ResponseType
getError() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingTask
The last error that occurred while Caching, if any.
getError() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cast.CastIntegration
The last error that occurred while Chromecasting, if any.
getError() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cast.chromecast.Chromecast
The last error that occurred while Chromecasting, if any.
getError() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AdErrorEvent
The error message of the given AdErrorEvent.
getError() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.cache.task.CachingTaskErrorEvent
The error that occurred while the task was in progress.
getError() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.chromecast.CastErrorEvent
The CastError for which the error event occurs.
getError() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.SegmentNotFoundEvent
The error message to indicate why the segment was not found.
getError() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
The last error that occurred for the current source, if any.
getErrorCode() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingTaskError
The error code of the caching task error.
getErrorCode() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cast.chromecast.CastError
The error code of the cast error.
getErrorObject() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.ContentProtectionErrorEvent
The ContentProtectionException that is the cause of the content-protection error.
getErrorObject() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.ErrorEvent
The THEOplayerException causing the error.
getExpirationDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingParameters
The expiration date of the cached data.
getExplicitStyle() - function in android.view.View
getExternal() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.theolive.SessionId
getExternalCacheDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getExternalCacheDirs() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getExternalFilesDir(java.lang.String) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getExternalFilesDirs(java.lang.String) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getExternalMediaDirs() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getExternalSessionId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.theolive.THEOLiveConfig
An id used to report usage analytics
getExtraData(java.lang.Class) - function in androidx.core.app.ComponentActivity
getFairplay() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.DRMConfiguration
The Fairplay key system configuration.
getFairplay() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.DRMConfiguration
The Fairplay key system configuration.
getFileName() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.GeneralEncapsulatedObject
The file name of the encapsulated object.
getFilesDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getFileStreamPath(java.lang.String) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getFilterTouchesWhenObscured() - function in android.view.View
getFirstFrame() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack.quality.VideoQuality
The presentation time of the first video frame, as parsed from the first video segment.
getFitsSystemWindows() - function in android.view.View
getFocusable() - function in android.view.View
getFocusables(int) - function in android.view.View
getFocusedChild() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
getFocusedRect(android.graphics.Rect) - function in android.view.View
getFontColor() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrackStyle
Returns current font color
getFontFamily() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrackStyle
Returns current font family value from FontFamily enum
getFontFile() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrackStyle
Returns name of the fonts file
getFontSize() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrackStyle
Returns current font size in range 50% - 300% of default font size
getFontStyle() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrackStyle
Returns current font style value from FontStyle enum
getForceSeekOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.latency.LatencyConfiguration
The live offset at which the player will automatically trigger a live seek.
getForeground() - function in android.view.View
getForegroundGravity() - function in android.view.View
getForegroundTintBlendMode() - function in android.view.View
getForegroundTintList() - function in android.view.View
getForegroundTintMode() - function in android.view.View
getFormat() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.GoogleDaiConfiguration
The format of the stream.
getFormat() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.GoogleDaiConfiguration
The format of the stream.
getFragmentManager() - function in android.app.Activity
getFrame() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Cue
The ID3 frame of the cue.
getFrameRate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack.quality.VideoQuality
The frame rate of this quality, as defined by the manifest or parsed from the media segment.
getFriendlyName() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.TitaniumDRMConfiguration
The customer friendly name.
getFromCollectionByIndex(java.util.Collection,int) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.util.CollectionUtils
The n-th element in the iterator, where n is the provided index.
getFullscreenActivity() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.fullscreen.FullScreenManager
The class which is set as the FullScreenActivity class.
getFullScreenManager() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.THEOplayerView
The fullscreen manager.
getFullscreenOrientation() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.fullscreen.FullScreenManager
Returns which orientation was configured to go to in fullscreen, defaults to ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED.
getFullScreenVisibilityFlags() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.fullscreen.FullScreenActivity
The system ui visibility flags when the FullScreenActivity is active.
getFullyDrawnReporter() - function in androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
getGlobalCast(android.app.Activity) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.THEOplayerView
The global cast instance.
getGlobalVisibleRect(android.graphics.Rect,android.graphics.Point) - function in android.view.View
getHandler() - function in android.view.View
getHandwritingBoundsOffsetBottom() - function in android.view.View
getHandwritingBoundsOffsetLeft() - function in android.view.View
getHandwritingBoundsOffsetRight() - function in android.view.View
getHandwritingBoundsOffsetTop() - function in android.view.View
getHandwritingDelegatorCallback() - function in android.view.View
getHasOverlappingRendering() - function in android.view.View
getHeaders() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.contentprotection.Request
The HTTP request headers to be sent to the server.
getHeaders() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.contentprotection.Response
The HTTP headers as returned by the server.
getHeaders() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.CompleteHTTPResponse
The response headers received from the request.
getHeaders() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.HTTPRequest
The request headers to be used during the request.
getHeaders() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.HTTPResponse
The response headers received from the request.
getHeaders() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.InterceptableHTTPRequest
The mutable request headers to be used during the request.
getHeaders() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.InterceptableHTTPResponse
The mutable response headers received from the request.
getHeaders() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getHeaders() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getHeaders() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
The headers of the source.
getHeaders() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getHeaders() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
The headers of the source.
getHeaders() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.KeySystemConfiguration
Map of HTTP headers for the license acquisition request.
getHeaders() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.KeySystemConfiguration
Map of HTTP headers for the license acquisition request.
getHeaders() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.KeySystemConfiguration
Map of HTTP headers for the license acquisition request.
getHeaders() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.KeySystemConfiguration
Map of HTTP headers for the license acquisition request.
getHeight() - function in android.view.View
getHeight() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.CompanionAd
The height of the companion ad.
getHeight() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaCompanionAd
getHeight() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.MediaFile
The native height of the video file, in pixels.
getHeight() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.ResizeEvent
getHeight() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack.quality.VideoQuality
The video height of this quality as defined in the manifest.
getHeight() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.metadata.ChromecastMetadataImage
The height of the image, in pixels.
getHespApi() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
getHitRect(android.graphics.Rect) - function in android.view.View
getHls() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getHls() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getHls() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
Returns the configuration for controlling playback of an HLS stream.
getHls() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getHls() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
Returns the configuration for controlling playback of an HLS stream.
getHorizontalFadingEdgeLength() - function in android.view.View
getHorizontalScrollbarHeight() - function in android.view.View
getHorizontalScrollbarThumbDrawable() - function in android.view.View
getHorizontalScrollbarTrackDrawable() - function in android.view.View
getId() - function in android.view.View
getId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.Ad
The identifier of the creative, provided in the VAST-file.
getId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.AdInit
The identifier of the ad.
getId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaAd
getId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.LinearAd
The identifier of the creative, provided in the VAST-file.
getId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.MediaTailorAd
getId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.NonLinearAd
The identifier of the creative, provided in the VAST-file.
getId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor.MediaTailorAdAvail
The unique identifier of this MediaTailor adBreak.
getId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.THEOAd
getId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingTask
The identifier of the task.
getId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCategory
The numeric identifier of the error category.
getId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCode
The numeric identifier of the error code.
getId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.theolive.Channel
getId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.theolive.VideoQuality
getId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.MediaTrack
The identifier of the track.
getId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.TextTrack
The identifier of the track.
getId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.Track
The identifier of the track.
getId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack.quality.AudioQuality
getId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack.quality.Quality
getId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack.quality.VideoQuality
getId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.DateRangeCue
The identifier of the cue.
getId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.ID3Cue
The identifier of the cue.
getId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.TextTrackCue
The identifier of the cue.
getId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame
The identifier of the frame.
getId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame
The identifier of the frame.
getId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.ClearkeyKeySystemConfiguration.ClearkeyDecryptionKey
The identifier of the key.
getImaAd() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaAd
The Ad object from the Google IMA SDK.
getImaAdPodInfo() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaAdBreak
The AdPodInfo object from the Google IMA SDK.
getImaCompanionAd() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaCompanionAd
The CompanionAd object from the Google IMA SDK.
getImages() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.metadata.ChromecastMetadataDescription
List of content images for the current source.
getImaUniversalAdId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaUniversalAdId
The UniversalAdId object from the Google IMA SDK.
getImportantForAccessibility() - function in android.view.View
getImportantForAutofill() - function in android.view.View
getImportantForContentCapture() - function in android.view.View
getInBandMetadataTrackDispatchType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrack
The dispatch-type of the in-band metadata track of the given text track.
getInitData() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.MediaEncryptedEvent
Get a textual representation of the data that was encrypted.
getInitDataType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.MediaEncryptedEvent
Get a textual representation of the type of data that was encrypted.
getIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.Ad
The type of ad integration.
getIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.AdBreak
The type of ad integration.
getIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaAd
getIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaAdBreak
getIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.LinearAd
The type of ad integration.
getIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.MediaTailorAd
getIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.MediaTailorAdAvail
getIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.NonLinearAd
The type of ad integration.
getIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ServerSideAdIntegrationController
The identifier for this integration, as it was passed to Ads.registerServerSideIntegration.
getIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.THEOAd
getIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.THEOAdBreak
getIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.addescription.AdDescription
The integration of this ad break.
getIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.addescription.AdDescription
The integration of this ad break.
getIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.addescription.AdDescription
getIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.DRMConfiguration
The identifier of the DRM integration.
getIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.DRMConfiguration
The identifier of the DRM integration.
getIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.SsaiDescription
The SSAI integration.
getIntegration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.SsaiDescription
The SSAI integration.
getIntegrationId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.DRMIntegrationId
The textual representation of the DRM integration identifier.
getIntegrationParameters() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.DRMConfiguration
A map which can be used to pass in specific parameters related to a source into a ContentProtectionIntegration.
getIntegrationParameters() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.DRMConfiguration
A map which can be used to pass in specific parameters related to a source into a ContentProtectionIntegration.
getIntent() - function in android.app.Activity
getInternal() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.theolive.SessionId
getItem(int) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.MediaTrackList
Return the track at the requested index in the list.
getItem(int) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.TextTrackList
Return the track at the requested index in the list.
getItem(int) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.TrackList
Return the track at the requested index in the list.
getItem(int) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.util.CachingTaskList
The n-th element in the list, where n is the supplied index.
getItem(int) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.util.QualityList
The n-th element in the list, where n is the supplied index.
getItem(int) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.util.SimpleList
The n-th element in the list, where n is the supplied index.
getItem(int) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.util.TextTrackCueList
The n-th element in the list, where n is the supplied index.
getKeepScreenOn() - function in android.view.View
getKeyDispatcherState() - function in android.view.View
getKeys() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.ClearkeyKeySystemConfiguration
List of decryption keys.
getKind() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.MediaTrack
The kind of the track.
getKind() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.Track
The kind of the track.
getKind() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrack
The kind of the text track.
getKind() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TextTrackDescription
The kind of the text track.
getLabel() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.MediaTrack
The label of the track.
getLabel() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.TextTrack
The label of the track.
getLabel() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.Track
The label of the track.
getLabel() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TextTrackDescription
The label for the track which can be used to identify it.
getLabelFor() - function in android.view.View
getLanguage() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.MediaTrack
The language of the track.
getLanguage() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.TextTrack
The language of the track.
getLanguage() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.Track
The language of the track.
getLanguage() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.Comments
The language of the comments.
getLastCustomNonConfigurationInstance() - function in androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
getLastNonConfigurationInstance() - function in android.app.Activity
getLatencyConfiguration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getLatencyConfiguration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getLatencyConfiguration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
Returns the latency configuration for this source.
getLatencyConfiguration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getLatencyConfiguration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
Returns the latency configuration for this source.
getLatencyManager() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
The Latency Manager API used to control low-latency live playback.
getLaunchedFromPackage() - function in android.app.Activity
getLaunchedFromUid() - function in android.app.Activity
getLayerType() - function in android.view.View
getLayoutAnimation() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
getLayoutAnimationListener() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
getLayoutDirection() - function in android.view.View
getLayoutInflater() - function in android.app.Activity
getLayoutMode() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
getLayoutParams() - function in android.view.View
getLayoutTransition() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
getLeft() - function in android.view.View
getLeftFadingEdgeStrength() - function in android.view.View
getLeftPaddingOffset() - function in android.view.View
getLicense() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.THEOplayerConfig
The license.
getLicenseAcquisitionURL() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.KeySystemConfiguration
The license acquisition URL.
getLicenseAcquisitionURL() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.KeySystemConfiguration
The license acquisition URL.
getLicenseType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.KeySystemConfiguration
The license type.
getLicenseType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.KeySystemConfiguration
The license type.
getLicenseType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.KeySystemConfiguration
The license type.
getLicenseType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.KeySystemConfiguration
The license type.
getLicenseUrl() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.THEOplayerConfig
The licenseUrl.
getLifecycle() - function in androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
getLiveOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.THEOplayerConfig
The offset duration between the live point and the end of the manifest.
getLiveOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getLiveOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getLiveOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
The live point from the end of the manifest, in seconds.
getLiveOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getLiveOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
The live point from the end of the manifest, in seconds.
getLoaderManager() - function in android.app.Activity
getLocalClassName() - function in android.app.Activity
getLocalizedMessage() - function in java.lang.Throwable
getLocalizedMessage() - function in java.lang.Throwable
getLocalVisibleRect(android.graphics.Rect) - function in android.view.View
getLocationInSurface(kotlin.Array) - function in android.view.View
getLocationInWindow(kotlin.Array) - function in android.view.View
getLocationOnScreen(kotlin.Array) - function in android.view.View
getMainExecutor() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getMainLooper() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getMarginLeft() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrackStyle
Returns left margin value in range: 0% - 100% from subtitle view width
getMarginTop() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrackStyle
Returns top margin value in range: 0% - 100% from subtitle view height
getMatrix() - function in android.view.View
getMaxDuration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.AdBreak
Indicates the duration of the ad break, in seconds.
getMaxDuration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.AdBreakInit
The duration of the ad break, in seconds.
getMaxDuration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaAdBreak
getMaxDuration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.MediaTailorAdAvail
getMaxDuration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.THEOAdBreak
getMaximumBackOff() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.NetworkConfiguration
Sets the maximum amount of delay in milliseconds between retry requests.
getMaximumOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.latency.LatencyConfiguration
The end of the target live window.
getMaximumPlaybackRate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.latency.LatencyConfiguration
Indicates the maximum playbackRate used to speed up the player.
getMaxNumPictureInPictureActions() - function in android.app.Activity
getMaxRemainingDuration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.AdBreak
Indicates the remaining duration of the ad break, in seconds.
getMaxRemainingDuration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaAdBreak
getMaxRemainingDuration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.MediaTailorAdAvail
getMaxRemainingDuration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.THEOAdBreak
getMaxRetries() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.NetworkConfiguration
The maximum amount of retries before the player throws a fatal error.
getMeasureAllChildren() - function in android.widget.FrameLayout
getMeasuredHeight() - function in android.view.View
getMeasuredHeightAndState() - function in android.view.View
getMeasuredState() - function in android.view.View
getMeasuredWidth() - function in android.view.View
getMeasuredWidthAndState() - function in android.view.View
getMediaController() - function in android.app.Activity
getMediaFiles() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.AdInit
The list of media files which contain metadata about ad video files.
getMediaFiles() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.LinearAd
The list of media files which contain metadata about ad video files.
getMediaTrackType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.ContentProtectionSuccessEvent
The textual representation of the media-track type.
getMediaType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.HTTPRequest
The media's type.
getMediaType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.InterceptableHTTPRequest
The media's type.
getMenuInflater() - function in androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
getMerchant() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.DRMTodayConfiguration
The identifier of the merchant
  • This attribute is required when you use the User Authentication Callback flow to make the license request.
getMessage() - function in java.lang.Throwable
getMessage() - function in java.lang.Throwable
getMetadata() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.abr.AbrStrategyConfiguration
The metadata for initial playback strategy.
getMetadata() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.SourceDescription
The MetadataDescription for this source description.
getMethod() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.contentprotection.Request
The method of the HTTP request.
getMethod() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.HTTPRequest
The method for the URL request, one of:"GET", "POST", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "PUT", "DELETE", "TRACE"
getMethod() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.InterceptableHTTPRequest
The mutable method for the URL request, one of:"GET", "POST", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "PUT", "DELETE", "TRACE"
getMetrics() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
Get the current Metrics of the player.
getMimeType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.AttachedPicture
The MIME type of the attached picture.
getMimeType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.GeneralEncapsulatedObject
The MIME type of the encapsulated object.
getMimeType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.SourceType
getMinimumBackOff() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.NetworkConfiguration
Sets the initial delay in milliseconds before a retry request occurs.
getMinimumHeight() - function in android.view.View
getMinimumOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.latency.LatencyConfiguration
The start of the target live window.
getMinimumPlaybackRate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.latency.LatencyConfiguration
Indicates the minimum playbackRate used to slow down the player.
getMinimumWidth() - function in android.view.View
getMode() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.PresentationMode
getMode() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrack
The mode of the text track.
getMode() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrackMode
The textual representation of the text track mode.
getName() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaAdEventType
Function to get the name (textual representation) of an IMA related event.
getName() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor.MediaTailorAdBreakEventType
Function to get the name (textual representation) of a MediaTailor adbreak related event.
getName() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor.MediaTailorAdEventType
Function to get the name (textual representation) of a MediaTailor ad related event.
getName() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.EventType
getName() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.EventType
The name of this EventType.
getName() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.cache.CacheEventTypes
getName() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.cache.task.CachingTaskEventTypes
getName() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.cache.tasklist.CachingTaskListEventTypes
getName() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.theolive.Channel
getName() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack.quality.AudioQuality
The name of the quality as defined in the manifest.
getName() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack.quality.Quality
The name of the quality as defined in the manifest.
getName() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack.quality.VideoQuality
The name of the quality as defined in the manifest.
getName() - function in kotlin.GoogleImaAdEventType
getName() - function in kotlin.MediaTailorAdBreakEventType
getName() - function in kotlin.MediaTailorAdEventType
getName() - function in kotlin.RequestMediaType
getName() - function in kotlin.RequestSubType
getName() - function in kotlin.RequestType
getName() - function in kotlin.ResponseType
getName() - function in kotlin.TheoAdsLayoutOverride
getNativeType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.metadata.ChromecastMetadataType
The Chromecast MediaMetadata representation.
getNestedScrollAxes() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
getNetwork() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.Cache
The Network API that manages the caching.
getNetwork() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
The Network API that manages the current player.
getNetworkCode() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.TheoAdDescription
Default network code to use for ad requests.
getNetworkConfiguration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.THEOplayerConfig
The retry configuration of the player.
getNextClusterForwardId() - function in android.view.View
getNextFocusDownId() - function in android.view.View
getNextFocusForwardId() - function in android.view.View
getNextFocusLeftId() - function in android.view.View
getNextFocusRightId() - function in android.view.View
getNextFocusUpId() - function in android.view.View
getNoBackupFilesDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getNotificationBuilder() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.Cache
Retrieves the current CacheNotificationsBuilder instance used for constructing cache notifications.
getObbDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getObbDirs() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getOmid() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.Ads
The Omid instance.
getOnBackInvokedDispatcher() - function in android.app.Activity
getOnBackPressedDispatcher() - function in androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
getOnFocusChangeListener() - function in android.view.View
getOpPackageName() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getOption() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.millicast.MillicastSource
getOrdinal() - function in kotlin.GoogleImaAdEventType
getOrdinal() - function in kotlin.MediaTailorAdBreakEventType
getOrdinal() - function in kotlin.MediaTailorAdEventType
getOrdinal() - function in kotlin.RequestMediaType
getOrdinal() - function in kotlin.RequestSubType
getOrdinal() - function in kotlin.RequestType
getOrdinal() - function in kotlin.ResponseType
getOrdinal() - function in kotlin.TheoAdsLayoutOverride
getOutlineAmbientShadowColor() - function in android.view.View
getOutlineProvider() - function in android.view.View
getOutlineSpotShadowColor() - function in android.view.View
getOverlay() - function in android.view.View
getOverlay() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
getOverrideLayout() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.TheoAdDescription
Override the layout of all THEOads ad breaks, if set.
getOverScrollMode() - function in android.view.View
getOwnerIdentifier() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.Private
The identifier of the owner.
getPackageCodePath() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getPackageManager() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getPackageName() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getPackageResourcePath() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getPaddingBottom() - function in android.view.View
getPaddingEnd() - function in android.view.View
getPaddingLeft() - function in android.view.View
getPaddingRight() - function in android.view.View
getPaddingStart() - function in android.view.View
getPaddingTop() - function in android.view.View
getParameters() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingTask
The configuration of the task.
getParams() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getParent() - function in android.app.Activity
getParent() - function in android.view.View
getParentActivityIntent() - function in android.app.Activity
getParentForAccessibility() - function in android.view.View
getPercentageCached() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingTask
The percentage of content that has been cached.
getPercentageCached() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingTaskProgress
The percentage of content that has been cached.
getPersistentDrawingCache() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
getPictureType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.AttachedPicture
The type of the attached picture.
getPipConfiguration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.THEOplayerConfig
The Picture in Picture configuration of the player.
getPiPManager() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.THEOplayerView
The Picture-in-Picture manager.
getPivotX() - function in android.view.View
getPivotY() - function in android.view.View
getPlannedDuration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.DateRangeCue
The planned duration of the date range cue, in seconds.
getPlaybackRate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.RateChangeEvent
The new rate of playback of the player.
getPlaybackRate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
The playback rate of the media.
getPlaybackSettings() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.THEOplayerGlobal
The settings of the playback.
getPlayed() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
Returns the ranges of the media that the player has played.
getPlayer() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.THEOplayerView
The Player instance of this THEOplayerView.
getPlayready() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.DRMConfiguration
The PlayReady key system configuration.
getPlayready() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.DRMConfiguration
The PlayReady key system configuration.
getPlayready() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.KeyOSDRMConfiguration
The PlayReady key system configuration.
getPointerIcon() - function in android.view.View
getPortalId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.TitaniumDRMConfiguration
The identifier of the portal.
getPoster() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.SourceDescription
The poster image url of this source description.
getPreferences(int) - function in android.app.Activity
getPreferKeepClearRects() - function in android.view.View
getPreferredTrackSelection() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingParameters
The preferred audio/text tracks to cache.
getPreload() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
The PreloadType of the player.
getPresentationMode() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.THEOplayerView
The PresentationMode of this THEOplayerView.
getPresentationMode() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.PresentationModeChange
The new PresentationMode of the player.
getProgress() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.cache.task.CachingTaskProgressEvent
The current progression of the task.
getProgressNotificationId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingTask
The notification identifier of the task when showing its progress notification.
getPurpose() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.OmidFriendlyObstruction
The OmidFriendlyObstructionPurpose of the friendly obstruction.
getQualities() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.mediatrack.AbstractTargetQualityChangedEvent
The QualityList of Qualitys that are targeted.
getQualities() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.mediatrack.TargetQualityChangedEvent
The QualityList of Qualitys that are targeted.
getQualities() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.mediatrack.TargetQualityChangedEvent
The QualityList of Qualitys that are targeted.
getQualities() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack.MediaTrack
The qualities of the media track.
getQuality() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.mediatrack.AbstractTargetQualityChangedEvent
The new target quality of the track.
getQuality() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.mediatrack.TargetQualityChangedEvent
The new target quality of the track.
getQuality() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.mediatrack.TargetQualityChangedEvent
The new target quality of the track.
getQuality() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.mediatrack.audio.ActiveQualityChangedEvent
The new quality of the track.
getQuality() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.mediatrack.audio.ActiveQualityChangedEvent
The new quality of the track.
getQuality() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.mediatrack.audio.QualityChangedEvent
The new quality of the track.
getQueryParameters() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.KeySystemConfiguration
The map of query parameters for the license acquisition request.
getQueryParameters() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.KeySystemConfiguration
The map of query parameters for the license acquisition request.
getQueryParameters() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.KeySystemConfiguration
The map of query parameters for the license acquisition request.
getQueryParameters() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.KeySystemConfiguration
The map of query parameters for the license acquisition request.
getReadTimeout() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.HTTPRequest
The read timeout in milliseconds.
getReadTimeout() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.InterceptableHTTPRequest
The read timeout in milliseconds.
getReadyState() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.ReadyStateChangeEvent
The new ReadyState at which the player is.
getReadyState() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
The ReadyState of the player.
getReadyState() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrack
The ready state of the text track.
getReasonString() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.OmidFriendlyObstruction
The reason for the friendly obstruction.
getReceiveContentMimeTypes() - function in android.view.View
getReceiverName() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cast.CastIntegration
The name of the Chromecast device that the player is casting to, if any.
getReceiverName() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cast.chromecast.Chromecast
The name of the Chromecast device that the player is casting to, if any.
getReferrer() - function in android.app.Activity
getReleaseDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.metadata.ChromecastMetadataDescription
The release date of the current source.
getRequest() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.contentprotection.Response
The request for which the response is being returned.
getRequest() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.CompleteHTTPResponse
The HTTPRequest of this response.
getRequest() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.HTTPResponse
The HTTPRequest of this response.
getRequest() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.InterceptableHTTPResponse
The HTTPRequest of this response.
getRequestedOrientation() - function in android.app.Activity
getResources() - function in android.view.View
getResources() - function in androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
getResourceURI() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.AdInit
The URI of the the ad content.
getResourceURI() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.CompanionAd
The URI of the ad content.
getResourceURI() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaCompanionAd
getResourceURI() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.MediaFile
The URI of the VAST content.
getResourceURI() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.NonLinearAd
The URI of the the ad content.
getResponse() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ContentProtectionException
A textual representation of the body of the HTTP response.
getResponseType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.HTTPRequest
The expected type of the response body.
getResponseType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.InterceptableHTTPRequest
The expected type of the response body.
getRetrievePodIdURI() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.TheoAdDescription
The URI from where to retrieve the PodID's as returned from the EABN service from Google.
getRetryCount() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.SegmentNotFoundEvent
The number of retries to fetch a given segment.
getRevealOnFocusHint() - function in android.view.View
getRight() - function in android.view.View
getRightFadingEdgeStrength() - function in android.view.View
getRightPaddingOffset() - function in android.view.View
getRootSurfaceControl() - function in android.view.View
getRootView() - function in android.view.View
getRootWindowInsets() - function in android.view.View
getRotation() - function in android.view.View
getRotationX() - function in android.view.View
getRotationY() - function in android.view.View
getSavedStateRegistry() - function in androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
getScaleX() - function in android.view.View
getScaleY() - function in android.view.View
getScheduledAds() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.Ads
Returns a list of Ads that still needs to be played.
getScrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade() - function in android.view.View
getScrollBarFadeDuration() - function in android.view.View
getScrollBarSize() - function in android.view.View
getScrollBarStyle() - function in android.view.View
getScrollCaptureHint() - function in android.view.View
getScrollIndicators() - function in android.view.View
getScrollX() - function in android.view.View
getScrollY() - function in android.view.View
getScte35Cmd() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.DateRangeCue
The SCTE 'cmd' splice_info_section of the date range cue.
getScte35In() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.DateRangeCue
The SCTE 'in' splice_info_section of the date range cue.
getScte35Out() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.DateRangeCue
The SCTE 'out' splice_info_section of the date range cue.
getSearchEvent() - function in android.app.Activity
getSecondsCached() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingTask
The amount of content that has been cached.
getSecondsCached() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingTaskProgress
The amount of content that has been cached.
getSeekable() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
Returns the ranges of the media that are seekable by the player.
getSegmentStartTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.SegmentNotFoundEvent
The time at which the segment should start.
getSessionId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.DRMTodayConfiguration
The identifier of the session.
getSessionId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.IrdetoConfiguration
The identifier of the session.
getSessionId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.XstreamConfiguration
The session identifier.
getSessionId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.theolive.THEOLiveConfig
getSettings() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.THEOplayerView
The THEOplayerSettings.
getSharedInstance(android.content.Context) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.THEOplayerGlobal
A THEOplayerGlobal instance.
getSharedPreferences(java.lang.String,int) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getSkipOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.Ad
The number of seconds after which the Ad can be skipped.
getSkipOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.AdInit
The number of seconds after which the ad can be skipped, in seconds.
getSkipOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaAd
getSkipOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.LinearAd
The number of seconds after which the Ad can be skipped.
getSkipOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.MediaTailorAd
getSkipOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.NonLinearAd
The number of seconds after which the Ad can be skipped.
getSkipOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.THEOAd
getSolidColor() - function in android.view.View
getSource() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingTask
The media source associated with the task.
getSource() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.SourceChangeEvent
The player's new SourceDescription.
getSource() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
The current source which describes the desired playback of a media.
getSource() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrack
The source of the text track.
getSourceLayoutResId() - function in android.view.View
getSources() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.SourceDescription
List of TypedSources that represent the available sources in this SourceDescription.
getSources() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.addescription.GoogleImaAdDescription
A source which contains the location of the ad resources to be scheduled.
getSplashScreen() - function in android.app.Activity
getSrc() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
The current URL of the media.
getSrc() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TextTrackDescription
The source URL where the text track can be downloaded from.
getSrc() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getSrc() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getSrc() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
The source URL of the manifest or video file to be played.
getSrc() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getSrc() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
The source URL of the manifest or video file to be played.
getSrc() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.metadata.ChromecastMetadataImage
The URL of the image.
getSrclang() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TextTrackDescription
The main language of the track.
getSsai() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getSsai() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getSsai() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
The configuration of the selected server-side ad insertion integrations.
getSsai() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getSsai() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
The configuration of the selected server-side ad insertion integrations.
getSsl() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.THEOplayerGlobal
The settings of the Secure Socket Layer.
getStackTrace() - function in java.lang.Throwable
getStackTrace() - function in java.lang.Throwable
getStart() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.timerange.TimeRange
The start time of the TimeRange.
getStart(int) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.timerange.TimeRanges
The start time of a certain TimeRange.
getStartDate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.DateRangeCue
The playback position at which the date range cue becomes active, as a Date.
getStartOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.Chapter
The offset of the first byte of the first audio frame in this chapter, in bytes from the beginning of the file.
getStartTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor.MediaTailorAd
The start time of the MediaTailor ad.
getStartTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor.MediaTailorAdAvail
The start time of the MediaTailor adBreak.
getStartTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.DateRangeCue
getStartTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.ID3Cue
getStartTime() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.TextTrackCue
getStartTimeMs() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.Chapter
The start time of the chapter, in milliseconds from the beginning of the file.
getState() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cast.CastIntegration
The state of the Chromecast.
getState() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cast.chromecast.Chromecast
The state of the Chromecast.
getState() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.chromecast.CastStateChangeEvent
The new PlayerCastState.
getStateDescription() - function in android.view.View
getStateListAnimator() - function in android.view.View
getStatus() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.Cache
The current status of the cache.
getStatus() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingTask
The current status of the task.
getStatus() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.contentprotection.Response
The status code as returned in the HTTP response.
getStatus() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ContentProtectionException
The status code from the HTTP response.
getStatus() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.cache.CacheStateChangeEvent
The current status of the cache.
getStatus() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.cache.task.CachingTaskStateChangeEvent
The current status of the task.
getStatus() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.CompleteHTTPResponse
The status code from the HTTP response message received from the request.
getStatus() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.HTTPResponse
The status code from the HTTP response message received from the request.
getStatus() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.InterceptableHTTPResponse
The mutable status code from the HTTP response message received from the request.
getStatusNotificationId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingTask
The notification identifier of the task when showing its status notification.
getStatusText() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.contentprotection.Response
The status text as returned in the HTTP response.
getStatusText() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ContentProtectionException
A textual description regarding the status from the HTTP response.
getStatusText() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.CompleteHTTPResponse
The HTTP response message, if any, returned from a server.
getStatusText() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.HTTPResponse
The HTTP response message, if any, returned from a server.
getStatusText() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.InterceptableHTTPResponse
The mutable HTTP response message, if any, returned from a server.
getStreamAccountId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.millicast.MillicastSource
The account identifier.
getStreamActivityMonitorID() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.GoogleDaiConfiguration
The identifier for a stream activity monitor session.
getStreamActivityMonitorID() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.GoogleDaiConfiguration
The identifier for a stream activity monitor session.
getStreamId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.XstreamConfiguration
The stream identifier.
getString(int) - function in android.content.Context
getString(java.lang.String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.DateRangeCue.CustomAttributes
The textual value from the CustomAttribute list.
getSubFrames() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.Chapter
The sub-frames describing this chapter.
getSubFrames() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.ChapterToc
The sub-frames describing this table of contents.
getSubscriberToken() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.millicast.MillicastSource
The subscribing token.
getSubtitle() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.metadata.ChromecastMetadataDescription
The subtitle of the content.
getSubType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.HTTPRequest
The request's subtype.
getSubType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.InterceptableHTTPRequest
The request's subtype.
getSuggestedMinimumHeight() - function in android.view.View
getSuggestedMinimumWidth() - function in android.view.View
getSupportActionBar() - function in androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
getSupportFragmentManager() - function in androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity
getSupportLoaderManager() - function in androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity
getSupportParentActivityIntent() - function in androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
getSuppressed() - function in java.lang.Throwable
getSuppressed() - function in java.lang.Throwable
getSystemGestureExclusionRects() - function in android.view.View
getSystemService(java.lang.String) - function in android.app.Activity
getSystemService(java.lang.Class) - function in android.content.Context
getSystemServiceName(java.lang.Class) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getSystemUiVisibility() - function in android.view.View
getTag() - function in android.view.View
getTargetBuffer() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.abr.Abr
The amount which the player buffers ahead of the current playback position.
getTargetOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.latency.LatencyConfiguration
The live offset that the player will aim for.
getTargetQualities() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack.MediaTrack
The desired qualities of the media track.
getTargetQuality() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack.MediaTrack
The desired quality of the media track.
getTask() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.cache.tasklist.AddTaskEvent
The CachingTask of the CachingTaskListEvent.
getTask() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.cache.tasklist.CachingTaskListEvent
The CachingTask of the CachingTaskListEvent.
getTask() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.cache.tasklist.RemoveTaskEvent
The CachingTask of the CachingTaskListEvent.
getTaskById(java.lang.String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingTaskList
The CachingTask with the specified id, if available.
getTaskId() - function in android.app.Activity
getTasks() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.Cache
List of caching tasks which control the caching of media.
getText(int) - function in android.content.Context
getText() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.Comments
The content of the comments.
getText() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.Text
The text contents.
getText() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.Yospace
The text contents.
getTextAlignment() - function in android.view.View
getTextDirection() - function in android.view.View
getTextTrack() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.texttrack.CueChangeEvent
The TextTrack for which the TextTrackCue changed.
getTextTracks() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
List of text tracks of the current source.
getTextTracks() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.SourceDescription
List of side-loaded text tracks of the source.
getTextTrackSelection() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingPreferredTrackSelection
The list of language tags that indicates the preferred text tracks to be cached.
getTextTrackStyle() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
The Text Track Style API.
getTheme() - function in android.view.ContextThemeWrapper
getTheoLive() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
The TheoLive API.
getTHEOLiveConfiguration() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.THEOplayerConfig
The TheoLive configuration of the player.
getTHEOplayerView() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.fullscreen.FullScreenActivity
The THEOplayerView which is coupled to this FullScreenActivity.
getTicket() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.IrdetoConfiguration
The ticket for registered user flows.
getTicketAcquisitionUrl() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.XstreamConfiguration
The ticket acquisition URL.
getTimeOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.AdBreak
The time offset at which content will be paused to play the ad break, in seconds.
getTimeOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.AdBreakInit
The time offset at which content will be paused to play the ad break, in seconds.
getTimeOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.AdInit
The time offset at which content will be paused to play the ad, in seconds.
getTimeOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaAdBreak
getTimeOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.MediaTailorAdAvail
getTimeOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.THEOAdBreak
getTimeOffset() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.addescription.GoogleImaAdDescription
The offset after which the ad break will start.
getTimeServer() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.SourceDescription
Returns the URL of the time server.
getTimeServer() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getTimeServer() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getTimeServer() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
Returns the URL of the time server.
getTimeServer() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getTimeServer() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
Returns the URL of the time server.
getTitle() - function in android.app.Activity
getTitle() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.metadata.ChromecastMetadataDescription
The title of the content.
getTitleColor() - function in android.app.Activity
getToken() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.AxinomDRMConfiguration
The Axinom authorization token.
getToken() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.AzureDRMConfiguration
The Azure Media Services Authorization Token.
getToken() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.ConaxDRMConfiguration
The Conax authorization token.
getToken() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.DRMTodayConfiguration
The DRM Today authorization token.
getToken() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.VudrmDRMConfiguration
The authentication token.
getTooltipText() - function in android.view.View
getTop() - function in android.view.View
getTopFadingEdgeStrength() - function in android.view.View
getTopPaddingOffset() - function in android.view.View
getTotalBytesLoaded() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.metrics.Metrics
The total number of bytes loaded since the last source change.
getTotalVideoFrames() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.metrics.Metrics
The total number of decoded video frames since the last source change.
getTouchables() - function in android.view.View
getTouchDelegate() - function in android.view.View
getTouchscreenBlocksFocus() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
getTrack() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.texttrack.AddCueEvent
The TextTrack to which the TextTrackCue was added.
getTrack() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.texttrack.ChangeEvent
The TextTrack that changed.
getTrack() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.texttrack.EnterCueEvent
The TextTrack to which the TextTrackCue belongs.
getTrack() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.texttrack.ExitCueEvent
The TextTrack to which the TextTrackCue belongs.
getTrack() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.texttrack.RemoveCueEvent
The TextTrack from which the TextTrackCue was removed.
getTrack() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.texttrack.UpdateCueEvent
The TextTrack to which the TextTrackCue belongs.
getTrack() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.tracklist.AddTrackEvent
The track for which there was an event in the track list.
getTrack() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.tracklist.AddTrackEvent
The track for which there was an event in the track list.
getTrack() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.tracklist.AddTrackEvent
The track for which there was an event in the track list.
getTrack() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.tracklist.RemoveTrackEvent
The track for which there was an event in the track list.
getTrack() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.tracklist.RemoveTrackEvent
The track for which there was an event in the track list.
getTrack() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.tracklist.RemoveTrackEvent
The track for which there was an event in the track list.
getTrack() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.tracklist.TrackListChangeEvent
The track for which there was an event in the track list.
getTrack() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.tracklist.TrackListChangeEvent
The track for which there was an event in the track list.
getTrack() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.tracklist.TrackListChangeEvent
The track for which there was an event in the track list.
getTrack() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.tracklist.TrackListEvent
The track for which there was an event in the track list.
getTrackingEvents() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor.MediaTailorAd
The list of MediaTailorTrackingEvents for this particular ad.
getTraffickingParameters() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaAd
A string with custom parameters associated with the ad at the time of ad trafficking.
getTransitionAlpha() - function in android.view.View
getTransitionName() - function in android.view.View
getTranslationX() - function in android.view.View
getTranslationY() - function in android.view.View
getTranslationZ() - function in android.view.View
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.CastIntegration
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.GoogleDaiIntegration
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.GoogleImaIntegration
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.Integration
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.Media3PlayerIntegration
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.MediaTailorIntegration
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.MillicastIntegration
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.TheoAdsIntegration
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.abr.AbrStrategyConfiguration
The strategy for initial playback.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.Ad
The type of the Ad.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.AdInit
The type of the ad.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.CompanionAd
The type of the companion ad.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaAd
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaCompanionAd
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.LinearAd
The type of the Ad.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.MediaFile
The MIME type for the file container.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.MediaTailorAd
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.NonLinearAd
The type of the Ad.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaAdErrorEvent
The Type of the GoogleImaAdEvent.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaAdEvent
The Type of the GoogleImaAdEvent.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor.MediaTailorAdBreakEvent
The Type of the MediaTailorAdBreakEvent.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor.MediaTailorAdEvent
The Type of the MediaTailorAdEvent.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.THEOAd
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AbstractTargetQualityChangedEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ActiveQualityChangedEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdBeginEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdBreakBeginEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdBreakChangeEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdBreakEndEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdBreakEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdClickedEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdEndEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdErrorEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdFirstQuartileEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdImpressionEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdLoadedEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdMidpointEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdSkipEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdTappedEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AdThirdQuartileEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AddAdBreakEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AddAdEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AddCueEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AddTaskEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.AddTrackEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CacheEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CacheStateChangeEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CachingTaskErrorEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CachingTaskEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CachingTaskListEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CachingTaskProgressEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CachingTaskStateChangeEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CanPlayEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CanPlayThroughEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CastErrorEvent
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CastStateChangeEvent
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ChangeEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ChromecastEvent
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ContentProtectionErrorEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ContentProtectionSuccessEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.CueChangeEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.DestroyEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.DurationChangeEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.EndedEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.EnterCueEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.EnterEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ErrorEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.Event
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ExitCueEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ExitEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.IntentToFallbackEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.LoadStartEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.LoadedDataEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.LoadedMetadataEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.MediaEncryptedEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.NoSupportedRepresentationFoundEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.PauseEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.PlayEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.PlayerEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.PlayingEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.PresentationModeChange
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ProgressEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.PublicationLoadStartEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.PublicationLoadedEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.PublicationOfflineEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.QualityChangedEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.QualityEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.QualityUpdateEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.RateChangeEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ReadyStateChangeEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.RemoveAdBreakEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.RemoveCueEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.RemoveTaskEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.RemoveTrackEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ResizeEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.SeekedEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.SeekingEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.SegmentNotFoundEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.SingleAdEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.SourceChangeEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.TargetQualityChangedEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.TextTrackCueEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.TheoLiveEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.TimeUpdateEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.TrackEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.TrackListChangeEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.TrackListEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.UpdateCueEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.UpdateEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.VolumeChangeEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.WaitingEvent
The Type of the Event.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AdIntegrationKind
The kind of the integration.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.HTTPRequest
The request's type.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.InterceptableHTTPRequest
The request's type.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.PreloadType
The textual representation of preload type.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrack
The content type of the text track.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrackKind
The textual representation of the text track kind.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrackType
The textual representation of the text track type.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
The MIME type of the source.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
The MIME type of the source.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.metadata.ChromecastMetadataDescription
The ChromecastMetadataType of the current source.
getType() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.metadata.ChromecastMetadataType
The textual representation of the Chromecast metadata.
getUid() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.MediaTrack
A unique identifier of the track.
getUid() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.TextTrack
A unique identifier of the track.
getUid() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.Track
A unique identifier of the track.
getUid() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack.quality.AudioQuality
getUid() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack.quality.Quality
getUid() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack.quality.VideoQuality
getUid() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.DateRangeCue
A unique identifier of the text track cue.
getUid() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.ID3Cue
A unique identifier of the text track cue.
getUid() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue.TextTrackCue
A unique identifier of the text track cue.
getUniqueDrawingId() - function in android.view.View
getUniversalAdIdRegistry() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaUniversalAdId
getUniversalAdIdRegistry() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.UniversalAdId
The registry associated with cataloging the UniversalAdId of the selected creative for the ad.
getUniversalAdIds() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaAd
The list of universal ad ID information of the selected creative for the ad.
getUniversalAdIdValue() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaUniversalAdId
getUniversalAdIdValue() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.UniversalAdId
The Universal Ad identifier of the selected creative for the ad.
getUrl() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.contentprotection.Request
The URL of the license or certificate server.
getUrl() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.contentprotection.Response
The URL from which the response was returned.
getUrl() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ContentProtectionException
The URL that was used in the request.
getUrl() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.CompleteHTTPResponse
The URL which was used to do the request to.
getUrl() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.HTTPRequest
The URL to perform the request to.
getUrl() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.HTTPResponse
The URL which was used to do the request to.
getUrl() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.InterceptableHTTPRequest
The mutable URL to perform the request to.
getUrl() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.InterceptableHTTPResponse
The mutable URL which was used to do the request to.
getUrl() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.theolive.Channel
getUrl() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.AttachedPicture
getUrl() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.id3.ID3Frame.Url
The URL.
getUseId3() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads.TheoAdDescription
Whether to use the ID3-based operating mode.
getUserId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.DRMTodayConfiguration
The identifier of the user.
getUserId() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.theolive.THEOLiveConfig
getValue() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.ClearkeyKeySystemConfiguration.ClearkeyDecryptionKey
The value of the key.
getVastMediaBitrate() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaAd
The bitrate of the currently playing creative as listed in the VAST response.
getVersion() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.THEOplayerGlobal
The THEOplayer version used.
getVersion() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.THEOplayerView
The THEOplayer version used.
getVersion() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.TitaniumDRMConfiguration
The version of Titanium
  • Only version 2 and 3 are supported.
Default: "2"
getVerticalFadingEdgeLength() - function in android.view.View
getVerticalScrollbarPosition() - function in android.view.View
getVerticalScrollbarThumbDrawable() - function in android.view.View
getVerticalScrollbarTrackDrawable() - function in android.view.View
getVerticalScrollbarWidth() - function in android.view.View
getVideoHeight() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
Returns the height of the active video rendition, in pixels.
getVideoID() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.dai.GoogleDaiVodConfiguration
The identifier for the video content source for on-demand streams.
getVideoTracks() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
List of video tracks of the current source.
getVideoWidth() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
Returns the width of the active video rendition, in pixels.
getView() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.OmidFriendlyObstruction
The View of the friendly obstruction.
getViewModelStore() - function in androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
getViewTranslationResponse() - function in android.view.View
getViewTreeObserver() - function in android.view.View
getVisibility() - function in android.view.View
getVoiceInteractor() - function in android.app.Activity
getVolume() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.VolumeChangeEvent
The new volume of the player.
getVolume() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.Player
The volume of the audio.
getVolumeControlStream() - function in android.app.Activity
getWallpaper() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getWallpaperDesiredMinimumHeight() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getWallpaperDesiredMinimumWidth() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getWidevine() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.DRMConfiguration
The Widevine key system configuration.
getWidevine() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.DRMConfiguration
The Widevine key system configuration.
getWidevine() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.KeyOSDRMConfiguration
The Widevine key system configuration.
getWidth() - function in android.view.View
getWidth() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.CompanionAd
The width of the companion ad.
getWidth() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaCompanionAd
getWidth() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.MediaFile
The native width of the video file, in pixels.
getWidth() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.ResizeEvent
getWidth() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack.quality.VideoQuality
The video width of this quality as defined by the manifest.
getWidth() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.metadata.ChromecastMetadataImage
The width of the image, in pixels.
getWindow() - function in android.app.Activity
getWindowAttachCount() - function in android.view.View
getWindowColor() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrackStyle
Returns current window color
getWindowId() - function in android.view.View
getWindowInsetsController() - function in android.view.View
getWindowManager() - function in android.app.Activity
getWindowSystemUiVisibility() - function in android.view.View
getWindowToken() - function in android.view.View
getWindowVisibility() - function in android.view.View
getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame(android.graphics.Rect) - function in android.view.View
getWrapperAdIds() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaAd
The list of wrapper ad identifiers as specified in the VAST response.
getWrapperAdSystems() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaAd
The list of wrapper ad systems as specified in the VAST response.
getWrapperCreativeIds() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.GoogleImaAd
The list of wrapper creative identifiers.
getX() - function in android.view.View
getY() - function in android.view.View
getZ() - function in android.view.View
GlobalCast - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.cast
The global cast API.
GlobalChromecast - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.cast.chromecast
The global Chromecast API.
goLive() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.theolive.TheoLive
Seek to the live edge.
GOOGLE_DAI - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.IntegrationType
GOOGLE_DAI - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AdIntegrationKind

The ad is of integration type Google DAI.

GOOGLE_DAI - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.SsaiIntegration

The configuration with this identifier is a GoogleDaiConfiguration.

GOOGLE_IMA - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.IntegrationType
GOOGLE_IMA - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AdIntegrationKind

The ad is of integration type Google IMA.

GOOGLE_IMA - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.AdIntegration

Google IMA pre-integrated ad playback.

GoogleDaiConfiguration - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai
The common Google DAI configuration.
GoogleDaiConfiguration.Builder - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.GoogleDaiConfiguration
The builder for the Google DAI configuration.
GoogleDaiIntegration - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.dai
The Google DAI Integration API.
GoogleDaiIntegrationFactory - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.dai
Factory class for creating GoogleDaiIntegration instance.
GoogleDaiLiveConfiguration - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.dai
The configuration of a google DAI Live stream.
GoogleDaiLiveConfiguration.Builder - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.dai.GoogleDaiLiveConfiguration
The builder for the Google DAI live configuration.
GoogleDaiTypedSource - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source
A Google DAI source.
GoogleDaiTypedSource.Builder - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.GoogleDaiTypedSource
The builder for a Google DAI source.
GoogleDaiVodConfiguration - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.dai
The configuration of a Google DAI VOD stream.
GoogleDaiVodConfiguration.Builder - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.dai.GoogleDaiVodConfiguration
The builder for the Google DAI VOD configuration.
GoogleImaAd - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads
The GoogleImaAd API represents a Google IMA creative compliant to the VAST specification.
GoogleImaAdBreak - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima
The Google IMA ad break.
GoogleImaAdDescription - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.addescription
Describes a Google IMA ad break request.
GoogleImaAdDescription.Builder - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.addescription.GoogleImaAdDescription
The builder for the GoogleImaAdDescription.
GoogleImaAdErrorEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima
The Google IMA ad error event.
GoogleImaAdEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima
The Google IMA ad event.
GoogleImaAdEventType - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima
The event types of GoogleImaAdEvent.
GoogleImaCompanionAd - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima
The Google IMA companion ad.
GoogleImaIntegration - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima
The Google IMA Integration API.
GoogleImaIntegrationFactory - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima
Factory class for creating GoogleImaIntegration instance.
GoogleImaUniversalAdId - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima
The Google IMA universal ad ID.
grantUriPermission(java.lang.String,android.net.Uri,int) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
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