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takeKeyEvents(boolean) - function in android.app.Activity
TAPPED - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaAdEventType

Fired when a non-clickthrough portion of a video ad is clicked.

TargetQualityChangedEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.mediatrack.audio
The Target Quality Changed Event.
TargetQualityChangedEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.mediatrack.video
Fired when TARGETQUALITYCHANGEDEVENT occurs for a VideoTrack.
TEMPORARY - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.LicenseType

The license is temporary.

TEXT - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.RequestMediaType
TEXT - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.ResponseType
TextTrack - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack
Represents a text track of a media resource.
TextTrackCue - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue
Represents a cue of a text track.
TextTrackCueEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.texttrack.texttrackcue
The TextTrackCue Event.
TextTrackCueEventTypes - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.texttrack.texttrackcue
The types of TextTrackCue Events.
TextTrackCueList - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.cue
List of TextTrackCue.
TextTrackDescription - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source
A TextTrack description contains information of a side-loaded text track, that can be added to the source.
TextTrackDescription.Builder - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TextTrackDescription
The builder for TextTrackDescription.
TextTrackEventTypes - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.texttrack
The types of TextTrack Events.
TextTrackKind - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack
The text track kind.
TextTrackList - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack
List of TextTracks.
TextTrackListEventTypes - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.texttrack.list
The types of TextTrackList Events.
TextTrackMode - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack
The mode of the text track.
TextTrackReadyState - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack
The ready state of a text track.
textTracks(kotlin.Array) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.SourceDescription.Builder
Sets the text tracks of the SourceDescription.
textTracks(kotlin.Array) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.SourceDescription.Builder
Sets the text tracks of the SourceDescription.
textTrackSelection(kotlin.Array) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingPreferredTrackSelection.Builder
The list of language tags that indicates the preferred text tracks to be cached.
TextTrackStyle - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack
The text track style API.
TextTrackStyle.EdgeType - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrackStyle
The edge type values for the text track.
TextTrackStyle.FontFamily - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrackStyle
The font family values for the text track.
TextTrackStyle.FontStyle - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrackStyle
The font style values for the text track.
TextTrackType - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack
The content type of a text track.
TEXTURE_VIEW - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.RenderingTarget

The player will use a TextureView to draw the video into.

THEO_ADS - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.IntegrationType
THEO_ADS - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AdIntegrationKind

The ad is of integration type THEO.

THEO_ADS - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.AdIntegration

Server-guided ad insertion (SGAI) using THEOads.

THEO_LIVE - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.IntegrationType
THEO_LIVE_ANALYTICS_ERROR - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCode

A fatal error occurred regarding THEOlive analytics.

THEO_LIVE_CHANNEL_NOT_FOUND - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCode

The THEOlive channel could not be played because it was not found. This can be because it was never created, it has been deleted or locked.

THEO_LIVE_END_OF_DEMO - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCode

The THEOlive channel is a demo channel and the demo window has expired.

THEO_LIVE_UNKNOWN_ERROR - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCode

Something went wrong with THEOlive playback.

THEOAd - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads
The Ad API used in THEOAds
THEOAdBreak - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads
The AdBreak API for THEOAds
TheoAdDescription - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads
Describes a THEOads SGAI ad break request.
TheoAdsIntegration - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads
Integration for server-guide ad insertion using THEOads.
TheoAdsIntegrationFactory - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads
Factory class for creating TheoAdsIntegration instance.
TheoAdsLayoutOverride - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.theoads
Override config for the THEOads ad layout.
THEOLIVE - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCategory

This category clusters all errors related to THEOlive.

TheoLive - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.theolive
The Theo live player API.
THEOLiveConfig - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.theolive
The THEOLive Configuration API.
THEOLiveConfig.Builder - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.theolive.THEOLiveConfig
theoLiveConfiguration(com.theoplayer.android.api.theolive.THEOLiveConfig) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.THEOplayerConfig.Builder
Sets the TheoLive configuration for the player.
TheoLiveEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.theolive
The TheoLive Event.
TheoLiveEventTypes - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.theolive
The types of Player Events.
TheoLiveEventTypes.Identifiers - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player.theolive.TheoLiveEventTypes
The Player event identifiers.
TheoLiveSource - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.theolive
A source representing a TheoLive streaming
THEOplayerConfig - class in com.theoplayer.android.api
The THEOplayer Configuration API.
THEOplayerConfig.Builder - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.THEOplayerConfig
The builder for THEOplayerConfig.
THEOplayerDestroyedException - class in com.theoplayer.android.api
The THEOplayerDestroyedException is thrown when trying to use a method of a THEOplayerView on which the onDestroy was called.
THEOplayerException - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.error
A THEOplayer exception that gives an informative description of the error that occurred.
THEOplayerGlobal - class in com.theoplayer.android.api
The THEOplayer related operations which are not tied to a particular THEOplayerView.
THEOplayerSettings - class in com.theoplayer.android.api
The THEOplayerSettings API.
THEOplayerView - class in com.theoplayer.android.api
The THEOplayerView API.
THIRD_QUARTILE - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaAdEventType

Fired when the ad has completed playing the third quarter (75%).

ticket(java.lang.String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.IrdetoConfiguration.Builder
Sets the ticket for registered user flows.
timeOffset(java.lang.String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.addescription.GoogleImaAdDescription.Builder
Sets the offset after which the ad break will start.
TIMEOUT - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.cast.chromecast.ErrorCode
TimeRange - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.timerange
The TimeRange API which can be used to get information regarding a certain period in the playback.
TimeRanges - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.timerange
The TimeRanges API which can be used to get information regarding multiple periods in the playback.
timeServer(java.lang.String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.SourceDescription.Builder
Sets the URL of a time server used by the player to synchronise the time in DASH sources.
timeServer(java.lang.String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource.Builder
timeServer(java.lang.String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource.Builder
Sets the URL of a time server used by the player to synchronise the time in DASH sources.
timeServer(java.lang.String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource.Builder
Sets the URL of a time server used by the player to synchronise the time in DASH sources.
TimeUpdateEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player
Fired when TIMEUPDATE occurs for the Player.
TITANIUM - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.DRMIntegrationId

The Titanium DRM integration identifier, see TitaniumDRMConfiguration for more information.

TitaniumDRMConfiguration - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration
The configuration of the Titanium DRM integration.
TitaniumDRMConfiguration.Builder - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.TitaniumDRMConfiguration
The builder for the Titanium DRM configuration.
title(java.lang.String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.metadata.ChromecastMetadataDescription.Builder
Sets the title of the content.
toJson(com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.CustomSsaiDescription) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.CustomSsaiDescriptionSerializer
Writes the given CustomSsaiDescription as a JSON string.
token(java.lang.String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.DRMTodayConfiguration.Builder
Sets the DRM Today authorization token.
toString() - function in android.view.View
toString() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cache.CachingPreferredTrackSelection
toString() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.cast.chromecast.CastError
toString() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AdIntegrationKind
toString() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrackMode
toString() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrackType
toString() - function in java.lang.Throwable
toString() - function in java.lang.Throwable
toString() - function in java.lang.annotation.Annotation
Track - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track
Represents a track of a media resource.
TrackEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track
The Track Event.
TrackList - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track
List of tracks.
TrackListChangeEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.mediatrack.audio.list
Fired when TRACKLISTCHANGE occurs for an AudioTrack list.
TrackListChangeEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.mediatrack.video.list
Fired when TRACKLISTCHANGE occurs for a VideoTrack List.
TrackListChangeEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.texttrack.list
Fired when TRACKLISTCHANGE occurs for a TextTrackList.
TrackListEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.track.tracklist
The TrackList Event.
transformMatrixToGlobal(android.graphics.Matrix) - function in android.view.View
transformMatrixToLocal(android.graphics.Matrix) - function in android.view.View
triggerSearch(java.lang.String,android.os.Bundle) - function in android.app.Activity
TTML - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrackType

The track contains TTML (Timed Text Markup Language) content.

TV_SHOW - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.metadata.ChromecastMetadataType

The content type is tv-show.

type(java.lang.String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.MediaFile.Builder
Sets the MIME type for the file container.
type(com.theoplayer.android.api.source.SourceType) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource.Builder
type(com.theoplayer.android.api.source.SourceType) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource.Builder
Sets the type of the source.
type(com.theoplayer.android.api.source.SourceType) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource.Builder
Sets the type of the source.
type(com.theoplayer.android.api.source.metadata.ChromecastMetadataType) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.metadata.ChromecastMetadataDescription.Builder
Sets the ChromecastMetadataType.
TypedSource - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source
The Typed Source API.
TypedSource.Builder - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.TypedSource
The builder for TypedSource.
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