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FAIRPLAY - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.contentprotection.KeySystemId
fairplay(com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.FairPlayKeySystemConfiguration) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.DRMConfiguration.Builder
Sets the FairPlay KeyOS key system configuration.
fairplay(com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.FairPlayKeySystemConfiguration) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.AxinomDRMConfiguration.Builder
Sets the configuration of the Fairplay key system.
fairplay(com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.FairPlayKeySystemConfiguration) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.AzureDRMConfiguration.Builder
Sets the configuration of the Fairplay key system.
fairPlay(com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.FairPlayKeySystemConfiguration) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.ConaxDRMConfiguration.Builder
Sets the configuration of the Fairplay key system.
fairplay(com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.FairPlayKeySystemConfiguration) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.ConaxDRMConfiguration.Builder
Sets the configuration of the Fairplay key system.
FAIRPLAY_CERTIFICATE - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.RequestSubType
FAIRPLAY_LICENSE - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.RequestSubType
FairPlayKeySystemConfiguration - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm
The configuration of the FairPlay key system configuration.
FairPlayKeySystemConfiguration.Builder - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.FairPlayKeySystemConfiguration
The builder for the FairPlay key system configuration.
fatalError(java.lang.Throwable,com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCode) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ServerSideAdIntegrationController
Fire a fatal ErrorEvent on the player.
fileList() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
FILL - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.AspectRatio

Scales the THEOplayer so that all content fits inside the bounding box, which will be stretched to fill it entirely.

  • This does not keep the original aspect ratio, content may look stretched out. It will not show black bars.
fillInStackTrace() - function in java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace() - function in java.lang.Throwable
findFocus() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
findOnBackInvokedDispatcher() - function in android.view.View
findOnBackInvokedDispatcherForChild(android.view.View,android.view.View) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
findViewById(int) - function in android.view.View
findViewById(int) - function in androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
findViewsWithText(java.util.ArrayList,java.lang.CharSequence,int) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
findViewWithTag(Object) - function in android.view.View
finish() - function in android.app.Activity
finishActivity(int) - function in android.app.Activity
finishActivityFromChild(android.app.Activity,int) - function in android.app.Activity
finishAffinity() - function in android.app.Activity
finishAfterTransition() - function in android.app.Activity
finishAndRemoveTask() - function in android.app.Activity
finishFromChild(android.app.Activity) - function in android.app.Activity
FIRST_QUARTILE - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaAdEventType

Fired when the ad has completed playing the first quartile (25%).

FIT - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.AspectRatio

Scales the THEOplayer so that all content fits inside its bounding box, keeping the original aspect ratio of the content.

  • This might result in black bars on the side if aspect ratio of the content does not match the screen. The content will never be cropped.
fitSystemWindows(android.graphics.Rect) - function in android.view.View
focus() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.dai.GoogleDaiIntegration
Moves the focus on the skip button if present.
focus() - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaIntegration
Moves the focus on the skip button if present.
focusableViewAvailable(android.view.View) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
focusSearch(android.view.View,int) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
forceHasOverlappingRendering(boolean) - function in android.view.View
forceLayout() - function in android.view.View
forEach(java.util.function.Consumer) - function in java.lang.CachingTaskList
forEach(java.util.function.Consumer) - function in java.lang.MediaTrackList
forEach(java.util.function.Consumer) - function in java.lang.QualityList
forEach(java.util.function.Consumer) - function in java.lang.SimpleList
forEach(java.util.function.Consumer) - function in java.lang.TextTrackCueList
forEach(java.util.function.Consumer) - function in java.lang.TextTrackList
forEach(java.util.function.Consumer) - function in java.lang.TimeRanges
forEach(java.util.function.Consumer) - function in java.lang.TrackList
friendlyName(java.lang.String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.TitaniumDRMConfiguration.Builder
Sets the friendly name of the customer.
from(java.lang.String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AdIntegrationKind
Converts a textual representation of the integration to an actual AdIntegrationKind instance.
from(int) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.ReadyState
Creates a ready state from a numerical representation.
from(java.lang.String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrackMode
Creates a text track mode from a textual representation, when possible.
from(int) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrackReadyState
Creates a text track ready state from a number, when possible.
from(java.lang.String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrackType
Creates a text track type state from a textual representation.
from(java.lang.String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.DRMIntegrationId
Creates a DRM integration identifier from a textual representation.
from(java.lang.String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.SsaiIntegration
Creates a SSAI integration from a textual representation.
from(java.lang.String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.StreamType
Creates a stream type from a textual representation.
fromCode(com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCode) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCategory
The ErrorCategory that the ErrorCode belongs to.
fromId(int) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCategory
The ErrorCategory from the identifier.
fromId(int) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCode
The ErrorCode from the identifier.
fromJson(java.lang.String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.ssai.CustomSsaiDescriptionSerializer
Reads a CustomSsaiDescription from the given JSON string.
fromName(java.lang.String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.metadata.ChromecastMetadataType
Creates a Chromecast metadata type.
FULLSCREEN - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCategory

This category clusters all errors related to fullscreen.

FULLSCREEN - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.PresentationMode
FULLSCREEN_ERROR - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCode

Changing the presentation to fullscreen was not possible.

FullScreenActivity - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.fullscreen
The FullScreenActivity of the player.
FullScreenChangeListener - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.fullscreen
The FullScreenChangeListener which can be used to listen for changes in the fullscreen state of the THEOplayerView.
FullScreenManager - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.fullscreen
The FullScreenManager which can be used to manage and gather information related to the fullscreen state of the player.
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