- managedQuery(android.net.Uri,kotlin.Array,java.lang.String,kotlin.Array,java.lang.String) - function in android.app.Activity
- MANIFEST - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCategory
This category clusters all errors related to the manifest.
- MANIFEST - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.network.http.RequestType
- MANIFEST_CORS_ERROR - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCode
An Error related to Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS).
- see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS.
- MANIFEST_LOAD_ERROR - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCode
The manifest could not be loaded.
- MANIFEST_PARSE_ERROR - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCode
The manifest could not be parsed.
- MANUAL - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.cast.CastStrategy
The player will take over an existing session if there is one and the cast button is clicked. Otherwise it will prompt the user with all available devices.
- maximumBackOff(long) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.NetworkConfiguration.Builder
- Sets the maximum amount of delay in milliseconds between retry requests.
- maxRetries(int) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.NetworkConfiguration.Builder
- Sets the maximum amount of retries before the player throws a fatal error.
- measure(int,int) - function in android.view.View
- measureChild(android.view.View,int,int) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- measureChildren(int,int) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- measureChildWithMargins(android.view.View,int,int,int,int) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- MEDIA - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCategory
This category clusters all errors related to the media.
- MEDIA3 - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.IntegrationType
- Media3PlayerIntegration - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.media3
- An integration for using Jetpack Media3 as the THEOplayer backend.
- Media3PlayerIntegration.SourceSelectCallback - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.media3.Media3PlayerIntegration
- A callback that decides which sources to play using the Media3PlayerIntegration.
- Media3PlayerIntegrationFactory - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.media3
- Factory class for creating a Media3PlayerIntegration.
- MEDIA_ABORTED - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCode
The fetching process for the media resource was aborted by the user agent at the user's request.
- MEDIA_AVPLAYER_ERROR - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCode
An error related to playback through AVPlayer in the iOS or tvOS SDK.
- MEDIA_DECODE_ERROR - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCode
The media could not be decoded.
- MEDIA_LOAD_ERROR - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCode
The media could not be loaded.
- MEDIA_NOT_SUPPORTED - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.error.ErrorCode
The media is not supported.
- MediaEncryptedEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.player
- Fired when ENCRYPTED occurs for the Player.
- MediaFile - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads
- The MediaFile API represents metadata of an media file with ad content.
- MediaFile.Builder - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.MediaFile
- The builder for MediaFile.
- MEDIATAILOR - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.event.ads.AdIntegrationKind
The ad is of integration type MediaTailor.
- MediaTailorAd - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor
- MediaTailorAdAvail - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor
- MediaTailorAdBreakEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor
- MediaTailorAdBreakEventType - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor
- MediaTailorAdEvent - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor
- The MediaTailor ad event.
- MediaTailorAdEventType - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor
- MediaTailorIntegration - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor
- MediaTailorIntegrationFactory - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.mediatailor
- Factory class for creating MediaTailorIntegration instance.
- MediaTailorSource - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.mediatailor
- A MediaTailor source that might be used for client-side tracking.
- MediaTailorSource.Builder - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.mediatailor.MediaTailorSource
- The builder for a MediaTailor source.
- MediaTrack - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack
- Represents a media track (audio or video) of a media resource.
- MediaTrackList - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.mediatrack
- List of MediaTrack.
- merchant(java.lang.String) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.drm.preintegration.DRMTodayConfiguration.Builder
- Sets the identifier of the merchant.
- mergeDrawableStates(kotlin.Array,kotlin.Array) - function in android.view.View
- METADATA - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.PreloadType
The player will immediately load the metadata on source change.
- Loads enough resources to be able determine the Player#getDuration().
- METADATA - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrackKind
The text track contains metadata. This track will not serve display purposes.
- metadata(com.theoplayer.android.api.source.metadata.MetadataDescription) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.SourceDescription.Builder
- Sets the metadata of the SourceDescription.
- MetadataDescription - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.metadata
- The metadata description of a source.
- Metrics - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.metrics
- The metrics API which can be used to gather information related to the quality-of-service and video playback experience.
- MIDPOINT - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.ads.ima.GoogleImaAdEventType
Fired when the ad has completed playing the first half (50%).
- MILLICAST - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.IntegrationType
- MILLICAST - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.SourceType
The source is a Millicast stream.
This requires the THEOplayer Millicast integration to play.
- MillicastIntegration - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.millicast
- An integration for playing Dolby Millicast streams inside THEOplayer.
- MillicastIntegrationFactory - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.millicast
- Factory class for creating a MillicastIntegration.
- MillicastSource - class in com.theoplayer.android.api.millicast
- A source representing a Dolby Millicast stream.
- minimumBackOff(long) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.NetworkConfiguration.Builder
- Sets the initial delay in milliseconds before a retry request occurs.
- MKV - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.SourceType
The source is an MKV stream.
- MONOSPACE - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.player.track.texttrack.TextTrackStyle.FontFamily
- moveDatabaseFrom(android.content.Context,java.lang.String) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- moveSharedPreferencesFrom(android.content.Context,java.lang.String) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- moveTaskToBack(boolean) - function in android.app.Activity
- MOVIE - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.metadata.ChromecastMetadataType
The content type is movie.
- MP3 - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.SourceType
The source is an MP3 stream.
- MP4 - enum entry in com.theoplayer.android.api.source.SourceType
The source is an MP4 stream.
- multiSession(boolean) - function in com.theoplayer.android.api.THEOplayerConfig.Builder
- Sets whether the player supports multi-key content when the license server doesn't respond with all keys at once.