adThe scheduled ad breaks managed by this integration.
Use ServerSideAdIntegrationController.createAdBreak and ServerSideAdIntegrationController.removeAdBreak to add or remove ad breaks.
adsThe scheduled ads managed by this integration.
Use ServerSideAdIntegrationController.createAd and ServerSideAdIntegrationController.removeAd to add or remove ads.
integrationThe identifier for this integration, as it was passed to Ads.registerServerSideIntegration.
Begin the given ad.
Create a new ad.
The initial properties to be set on the created ad.
adBreak: AdBreakIf given, appends the ad to the given existing AdBreak. Otherwise, appends the ad to a new or existing AdBreak with the configured AdInit.timeOffset.
Create a new ad break.
This can be used to indicate where ad breaks can be expected in advance, before populating those ad breaks with ads.
The initial properties to be set on the created ad break.
Error If there is already an existing ad break with the given AdBreakInit.timeOffset.
End the given ad.
Fire a fatal error
event on the player.
This stops playback immediately. Use ChromelessPlayer.source to load a new source.
The error.
code: ErrorCodeThe error code. By default, this is set to ErrorCode.AD_ERROR.
Remove the given ad.
Remove the given ad break and all of its ads.
The ad break to be removed.
Remove all ads and ad breaks.
Skip the given ad.
Update the given ad break.
The ad break to be updated.
The properties to be updated on the ad break.
Update the playback progression of the given ad.
The ad to be updated.
The playback progress, as a number between 0 (at the start of the ad) and 1 (at the end of the ad).
Error If the ad is not started.
A controller to be used by your ServerSideAdIntegrationHandler to update the state of your custom server-side ad integration.