configuration: PlayerConfigurationReadonly
abrThe adaptive bitrate configuration.
adsThe ads API.
audioThe web audio API.
List of audio tracks of the current source.
Whether the player should immediately start playback after source change.
- To autoplay with sound on certain platforms, ChromelessPlayer.prepareWithUserAction must be called at least once.
- To autoplay without sound, PlayerConfiguration.mutedAutoplay must be configured.
bufferedReturns a TimeRanges object that represents the ranges of the media resource that the player has buffered.
canvasThe canvas of the player.
castThe cast API.
clipThe clip API.
The current playback position of the media, as a timestamp.
- The relation between ChromelessPlayer.currentProgramDateTime and ChromelessPlayer.currentTime is determined by the manifest.
The current playback position of the media, in seconds.
The duration of the media, in seconds.
- On source change, duration becomes available after ChromelessPlayer.readyState is at least 1
The HTML element containing the player.
Whether playback of the media is ended.
- Playback is ended when the current playback position is at the end of the media, and the player does not ChromelessPlayer.loop.
The last error that occurred for the current source, if any.
use ChromelessPlayer.errorObject instead
The last error that occurred for the current source, if any.
- This will equal the ErrorEvent.errorObject property from the last ErrorEvent.
hespThe HESP API.
imagineThe Imagine API.
The latency manager for low latency live playback.
Whether playback of the media is looped.
- When playback is looped, upon reaching the end of the media, playback immediately continues at the start of the media.
- Looped media is never ChromelessPlayer.ended.
metricsThe metrics API.
Whether audio is muted.
- This affects capabilities of ChromelessPlayer.autoplay.
networkThe network API.
Whether the player is paused.
The playback rate of the media.
Returns a TimeRanges object that represents the ranges of the media resource that the player has played.
The poster of the current source.
- An empty string (''
) clears the current poster.
- The SourceConfiguration.poster has priority over this poster.
The preload setting of the player.
presentationThe presentation API.
The ready state of the player, represented by a value from the following list:
- 0
(HAVE_NOTHING): The player has no information about the duration of its source.
- 1
(HAVE_METADATA): The player has information about the duration of its source.
- 2
(HAVE_CURRENT_DATA): The player has its current frame in its buffer.
- 3
(HAVE_FUTURE_DATA): The player has enough data for immediate playback.
- 4
(HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA): The player has enough data for continuous playback.
- See the HTML Media Specification
relatedThe related content API.
Returns a TimeRanges object that represents the ranges of the media resource that are seekable by the player.
- On source change, seekable becomes available after ChromelessPlayer.readyState is at least 1
Whether the player is seeking.
The current source which describes desired playback of a media resource.
- Changing source might ChromelessPlayer.preload and ChromelessPlayer.autoplay.
- Changing source will ChromelessPlayer.stop the previous source.
The current URL of the media resource.
- Prefer ChromelessPlayer.source instead.
List of text tracks of the current source.
textThe text track style API.
theoadsThe THEOads API.
theoUnique ID of the player.
uplynkThe Uplynk API.
verizonThe Verizon Media API.
The height of the active video rendition, in pixels.
List of video tracks of the current source.
The width of the active video rendition, in pixels.
visibilityThe visibility API.
The volume of the audio.
vrThe VR API.
Add the given listener for the given event type(s).
The type of the event.
The callback which is executed when the event occurs.
Adds a new custom text track to the player where cues can be added externally.
The options for creating the track.
Pause playback.
Start or resume playback.
Prepare the player to ChromelessPlayer.autoplay on platforms where autoplay is restricted without user action.
Remove the given listener for the given event type(s).
The type of the event.
The callback which will be removed.
Set current source which describes desired playback of a media resource.
Superseded by ChromelessPlayer.source.
Stop playback.
- All resources associated with the current source are released.
- The player can be reused by setting a new ChromelessPlayer.source.
The player API.