Interface Metrics

The metrics API which can be used to gather information related to the quality-of-service and video playback experience.

- Available since v2.46.0.

interface Metrics {
    bufferedSegments: BufferedSegments;
    corruptedVideoFrames: number;
    currentBandwidthEstimate: number;
    droppedVideoFrames: number;
    totalBytesLoaded: number;
    totalVideoFrames: number;


bufferedSegments: BufferedSegments

The total number of audio and video segments in the buffer.

- This value is currently available only for DASH.

corruptedVideoFrames: number

The total number of video frames that could not be decoded.

- This value resets on a source change.

currentBandwidthEstimate: number

The bandwidth in bits per second estimated to be currently available as used for ABR decisions.

droppedVideoFrames: number

The total number of dropped video frames.

- This value resets on a source change.

totalBytesLoaded: number

The total bytes received in response to all media segments since loading the current source.

totalVideoFrames: number

The total number of video frames.

- This value resets on a source change.