Represents a VAST creative. It is either a linear or non-linear ad.

interface Ad {
    adBreak: AdBreak;
    adSystem: undefined | string;
    clickThrough: undefined | string;
    companions: CompanionAd[];
    creativeId: undefined | string;
    customData: unknown;
    duration: undefined | number;
    height: undefined | number;
    id: undefined | string;
    integration?: CustomAdIntegrationKind | AdIntegrationKind;
    isSlate: boolean;
    readyState?: AdReadyState;
    resourceURI: undefined | string;
    skipOffset: undefined | number;
    type: AdType;
    universalAdIds: UniversalAdId[];
    width: undefined | number;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


adBreak: AdBreak

The ad break which the ad is part of.

- Available for VAST-ads.

adSystem: undefined | string

The source ad server information included in the ad response.

- Available when the Ad.readyState is 'ready'.

clickThrough: undefined | string

The website of the advertisement.

- Available when the Ad.readyState is 'ready'.

companions: CompanionAd[]

List of companions which can be displayed outside the player.

- Available when the Ad.readyState is 'ready'.
- Only supported for 'csai' and 'google-dai'.

creativeId: undefined | string

The identifier of the selected creative for the ad.

- Available when the Ad.readyState is 'ready'.

customData: unknown

Additional integration-specific data associated with this ad.

duration: undefined | number

The duration of the ad, in seconds.

- Available when the Ad.readyState is 'ready'.
- Only available for LinearAd.

height: undefined | number

The height of the ad.

- Available when the Ad.readyState is 'ready'.

id: undefined | string

The identifier of the creative.

- Available when the Ad.readyState is 'ready'.

The integration of the ad, represented by a value from AdIntegrationKind or the identifier of a custom integration added with Ads.registerServerSideIntegration.


- The 'theo' integration naming is deprecated and has been replaced with 'csai'.

isSlate: boolean

Whether the ad is a slate or not.

- Only used for THEOads ads.

readyState?: AdReadyState

The ready state of the ad.

resourceURI: undefined | string

The URI of the ad content.

- Available when the Ad.readyState is 'ready'.

skipOffset: undefined | number

Offset after which the ad break may be skipped, in seconds.

- Available when the Ad.readyState is 'ready'.
- If the offset is -1, the ad is unskippable.
- If the offset is 0, the ad is immediately skippable.
- Otherwise it must be a positive number indicating the offset.

type: AdType

The type of the ad.

universalAdIds: UniversalAdId[]

The list of universal ad ID information of the selected creative for the ad.

- Only supported for 'csai' and 'google-ima'.

width: undefined | number

The width of the ad, in pixels.

- Available when the Ad.readyState is 'ready'.