Interface AdBreakInterstitial

The THEOads interstitial that corresponds with ad playback.

interface AdBreakInterstitial {
    ads: readonly Ad[];
    backdropUri: undefined | string;
    duration: undefined | number;
    id: string;
    layout: TheoAdsLayout;
    startTime: number;
    type: "adbreak";

Hierarchy (View Summary)


ads: readonly Ad[]

The ads that are part of the interstitial.

  • - Only available during ad playback.
backdropUri: undefined | string

The background when playing an ad.

  • This is only available when playing in double or l-shape layout.
duration: undefined | number

The duration of the interstitial, in seconds.

id: string

The identifier of the interstitial.

The layout which is used to play the ads of the interstitial.

startTime: number

The start time at which the interstitial will start.

type: "adbreak"

The type of the interstitial.