The integration identifier of a source specific to a pre-integration, represented by a value from the following list:
- 'verizon-media': The source is a VerizonMediaSource. (Deprecated, superseded by 'uplynk')
- 'mediatailor': The source contains the MediaTailor initialization url.
- 'theolive': The source is a TheoLiveSource. (Deprecated, see TheoLiveSource.integration)
- 'uplynk': The source is an UplynkSource.
The integration identifier of a source specific to a pre-integration, represented by a value from the following list:
: The source is a VerizonMediaSource. (Deprecated, superseded by'uplynk'
: The source contains the MediaTailor initialization url.-
: The source is a TheoLiveSource. (Deprecated, see TheoLiveSource.integration)-
: The source is an UplynkSource.