Type Alias ChromecastErrorCode

    | "CANCEL"
    | "TIMEOUT"

The chromecast error code, represented by a value from the following list:
- 'CANCEL': The operation was canceled by the user.
- 'TIMEOUT': The operation timed out.
- 'API_NOT_INITIALIZED': The API is not initialized.
- 'INVALID_PARAMETER': The parameters to the operation were not valid.
- 'EXTENSION_NOT_COMPATIBLE': The API script is not compatible with the installed Cast extension.
- 'EXTENSION_MISSING': The Cast extension is not available.
- 'RECEIVER_UNAVAILABLE': No receiver was compatible with the session request.
- 'SESSION_ERROR': A session could not be created, or a session was invalid.
- 'CHANNEL_ERROR': A channel to the receiver is not available.
- 'LOAD_MEDIA_FAILED': Load media failed.

- The error codes correspond to the error codes documented in the Chromecast API reference.