Interface WebVTTRegion

Represents a WebVTT region.

interface WebVTTRegion {
    id: string;
    identifier: string;
    lines: number;
    regionAnchorX: number;
    regionAnchorY: number;
    scrollValue: VTTScrollSetting;
    viewportAnchorX: number;
    viewportAnchorY: number;
    width: number;


id: string

The identifier of the region.

identifier: string

The identifier of the region.

Superseded by

lines: number

The number of lines in the region.

regionAnchorX: number

The horizontal coordinate of the anchor point of the region to the viewport, as a percentage of the video width.

regionAnchorY: number

The vertical coordinate of the anchor point of the region to the viewport, as a percentage of the video height.

scrollValue: VTTScrollSetting

The scroll setting of the region.

viewportAnchorX: number

The horizontal coordinate of the point of the viewport the anchor point of the region is anchored to, as a percentage of the video width.

viewportAnchorY: number

The veritcal coordinate of the point of the viewport the anchor point of the region is anchored to, as a percentage of the video height.

width: number

The width of the region, as a percentage of the video width.