Interface UplynkAsset

Represents an Uplynk asset.

interface UplynkAsset {
    assetId: string;
    audioOnly: boolean;
    boundaryDetails: undefined | Boundary[];
    defaultPosterUrl: string;
    description: string;
    duration: number;
    endTime: number;
    error: boolean;
    externalId: string;
    hasAdultLanguage: boolean;
    hasDrugSituations: boolean;
    hasSexualSituations: boolean;
    hasViolence: boolean;
    isAd: boolean;
    maxSlice: number;
    metadata: object;
    movieRating: number;
    ownerId: string;
    posterUrl: string;
    rates: number[];
    sliceDuration: number;
    startTime: number;
    thumbnailResolutions: ThumbnailResolution[];
    thumbPrefix: string;
    tvRating: number;


assetId: string

The identifier of the asset.

audioOnly: boolean

Whether the asset is audio only.

boundaryDetails: undefined | Boundary[]

List of boundaries of the asset.

- See Boundaries

defaultPosterUrl: string

The default poster URL created for the asset.

description: string

The description of the asset.

duration: number

The duration of the asset, in seconds.

endTime: number

The end time of the asset, in seconds.

- The end time is the sum of UplynkAsset.startTime, UplynkAsset.duration and the UplynkAdBreak.duration of the ad breaks scheduled during the asset.

error: boolean

Whether an error occurred with the asset.

externalId: string

The identifier of the external source.

hasAdultLanguage: boolean

Whether the asset contains adult language.

hasDrugSituations: boolean

Whether the asset contains drug situations.

hasSexualSituations: boolean

Whether the asset contains sexual situations.

hasViolence: boolean

Whether the asset contains violence.

isAd: boolean

Whether the asset is an ad.

maxSlice: number

The number of slices available for the asset.

metadata: object

The metadata attached to the asset.

- Metadata may be added via the CMS.

movieRating: number

The movie rating of the asset, represented by a value from the following list:
- -1: Not Available.
- 0: Not Applicable.
- 1: G.
- 2: PG.
- 3: PG-13.
- 4: R.
- 5: NC-17.
- 6: X.
- 7: Not Rated.

ownerId: string

The identifier of the owner.

posterUrl: string

The poster URL.

rates: number[]

The available bitrates of the asset.

sliceDuration: number

The average slice duration, in seconds.

startTime: number

The start time of the asset, in seconds.

thumbnailResolutions: ThumbnailResolution[]

List of thumbnail resolutions of the asset.

thumbPrefix: string

The prefix URL to the thumbnails.

tvRating: number

The tv-rating of the asset, represented by a value from the following list:
- -1: Not Available.
- 0: Not Rated.
- 1: TV-Y.
- 2: TV-Y7.
- 3: TV-G.
- 4: TV-PG.
- 5: TV-14.
- 6: TV-MA.
- 7: Not Rated.