Interface UpNextPanel

A panel which displays the up next source.

- The panel should be shown after the current source has ended.
- The panel covers the entire player.
- Available since v2.15.

interface UpNextPanel {
    countdownDuration?: string | number;
    showing: boolean;
    showUpNextPanel?: boolean;
    hide(): void;
    show(): void;


countdownDuration?: string | number

The countdown after which the up next source is started.

- Countdown starts from the moment the panel is shown.

Possible formats:
- number or "number": the countdown will be number seconds.
- Infinity: no countdown will happen, only the play button will appear to go to the video that is up next.


showing: boolean

Whether the panel is showing.

showUpNextPanel?: boolean

Whether the panel should be shown after the current source has ended.



  • Hide the panel.

    Returns void

  • Show the panel.

    Returns void