Interface SourceLatencyConfiguration

The latency configuration for managing the live offset of the player.

- The player might change the latency configuration based on playback events like stalls.
- The current latency configuration can be monitored at LatencyManager.currentConfiguration.

interface SourceLatencyConfiguration {
    forceSeekOffset?: number;
    leniency?: number;
    maximumOffset?: number;
    maximumPlaybackRate?: number;
    minimumOffset?: number;
    minimumPlaybackRate?: number;
    targetOffset: number;


forceSeekOffset?: number

The live offset at which the player will automatically trigger a live seek.

3 times the targetOffset.

leniency?: number

The amount of seconds that target latency can be temporarily increased to counteract unstable network conditions.

- This only works for HESP and THEOlive streams.

maximumOffset?: number

The end of the target live window. If the live offset becomes higher than this value, the player will speed up in order to decrease the latency.

1.5 times the targetOffset.

maximumPlaybackRate?: number

Indicates the maximum playbackRate used to speed up the player.


minimumOffset?: number

The start of the target live window. If the live offset becomes smaller than this value, the player will slow down in order to increase the latency.

0.66 times the targetOffset.

minimumPlaybackRate?: number

Indicates the minimum playbackRate used to slow down the player.


targetOffset: number

The live offset that the player will aim for. When correcting the offset by tuning the playbackRate, the player will stop correcting when it reaches this value.

- This will override the BaseSource.liveOffset value.