adThe ad tag parameters added to stream request.
- Each entry contains the parameter name with associated value.
- See https://developers.google.com/ad-manager/dynamic-ad-insertion/sdk/html5/reference/js/StreamRequest#adTagParameters
for more information.
Valid parameters:
- Supply targeting parameters to your stream
- Override stream variant parameters
The API key for the stream request.
- This key is used to verify applications that are attempting to access the content.
- This key is configured through the Google Ad Manager UI.
- See https://developers.google.com/ad-manager/dynamic-ad-insertion/sdk/html5/reference/js/StreamRequest#apiKey
for more information.
authThe authorization token for the stream request.
- If present, this token is used instead of the API key for stricter content authorization.
- The publisher can control individual content streams authorizations based on this token.
- See https://developers.google.com/ad-manager/dynamic-ad-insertion/sdk/html5/reference/js/StreamRequest#authToken
for more information.
availabilityThe type of the requested stream.
The identifier for the publisher content for on-demand streams.
The identifier for the SSAI pre-integration.
networkThe network code for the publisher making this stream request.
- See https://developers.google.com/ad-manager/dynamic-ad-insertion/sdk/html5/reference/js/StreamRequest#networkCode
for more information.
omidOptional settings object for mapping verification vendors (google.ima.OmidVerificationVendor) to OMID Access Modes (google.ima.OmidAccessMode).
- See https://developers.google.com/ad-manager/dynamic-ad-insertion/sdk/html5/reference/js/StreamRequest#omidAccessModeRules
for more information.
streamThe identifier for a stream activity monitor session.
- See https://developers.google.com/ad-manager/dynamic-ad-insertion/sdk/html5/reference/js/StreamRequest#streamActivityMonitorId
for more information.
The identifier for the video content source for on-demand streams.
Represents a configuration for server-side ad insertion with the Google DAI pre-integration for a VOD media stream.
- Available since v2.30.0.