Interface ChromecastMetadataDescription

Describes the metatadata used by Chromecast.

- Available since v2.21.0.
- Do not use metadata key images if its value doesn't adhere to ChromecastMetadataImage or string[] (where the strings are image URLs).
- All values will be provided with the Media Info's metadata.

interface ChromecastMetadataDescription {
    albumArtist?: string;
    albumName?: string;
    artist?: string;
    artistName?: string;
    composer?: string;
    discNumber?: number;
    episode?: number;
    episodeNumber?: number;
    episodeTitle?: string;
    images?: string[] | ChromecastMetadataImage[];
    originalAirdate?: string;
    releaseDate?: string;
    releaseYear?: number;
    season?: number;
    seasonNumber?: number;
    seriesTitle?: string;
    songName?: string;
    studio?: string;
    subtitle?: string;
    title?: string;
    trackNumber?: number;
    type?: ChromecastMetadataType;
    [metadataKey: string]: any;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • [metadataKey: string]: any


albumArtist?: string

The album artist of the music track.

- Only valid when ChromecastMetadataDescription."type" is 'audio'.

albumName?: string

The album name of the music track.

- Only valid when ChromecastMetadataDescription."type" is 'audio'.

artist?: string

The artist of the music track.

- Only valid when ChromecastMetadataDescription."type" is 'audio'.

artistName?: string

The artist name of the music track.

- Only valid when ChromecastMetadataDescription."type" is 'audio'.

Superseded by ChromecastMetadataDescription.artist.

composer?: string

The composer of the music track.

- Only valid when ChromecastMetadataDescription."type" is 'audio'.

discNumber?: number

The disc number of the music track.

- Only valid when ChromecastMetadataDescription."type" is 'audio'.

episode?: number

The episode number of the TV show.

- Only valid when ChromecastMetadataDescription."type" is 'tv-show'.

episodeNumber?: number

The episode number of the TV show.

- Only valid when ChromecastMetadataDescription."type" is 'tv-show'.

Superseded by ChromecastMetadataDescription.episode.

episodeTitle?: string

The episode title of the TV show.

- Only valid when ChromecastMetadataDescription."type" is 'tv-show'.

Superseded by MetadataDescription.title.

images?: string[] | ChromecastMetadataImage[]

List of content images, e.g. a thumbnail for a video, a poster for movie or the cover art for a music album.

- The string must be a valid URL.
- Multiple images can be specified for multiple resolutions.
- If a poster is set in SourceConfiguration, it will be passed along with the images.

originalAirdate?: string

The original air date of the TV show.

- Only valid when ChromecastMetadataDescription."type" is 'tv-show'.
- The format is "YYYY-MM-DD".

releaseDate?: string

The release date of the content.

- The format is "YYYY-MM-DD".

releaseYear?: number

The release year of the content.

season?: number

The season number of the TV show.

- Only valid when ChromecastMetadataDescription."type" is 'tv-show'.

seasonNumber?: number

The season number of the TV show.

- Only valid when ChromecastMetadataDescription."type" is 'tv-show'.

Superseded by ChromecastMetadataDescription.season.

seriesTitle?: string

The series title of the TV show.

- Only valid when ChromecastMetadataDescription."type" is 'tv-show'.

songName?: string

The song name of the music track.

- Only valid when ChromecastMetadataDescription."type" is 'audio'.

studio?: string

The studio that produced the movie.

- Only valid when ChromecastMetadataDescription."type" is 'movie'.

subtitle?: string

The subtitle of the content.

- This should be a short explanation about the content.

title?: string

The title of the content.

trackNumber?: number

The track number of the music track.

- Only valid when ChromecastMetadataDescription."type" is 'audio'.

The metadata type of the current source.
