Interface AgamaPlayerConfiguration

Describes the configuration of Agama.

- Available since v2.45.6.

interface AgamaPlayerConfiguration {
    application?: string;
    applicationVersion?: string;
    config: string;
    connectionType?: string;
    deviceID?: string;
    deviceManufacturer?: string;
    deviceModel?: string;
    deviceOs?: string;
    deviceOsVersion?: string;
    deviceType?: string;
    integration: "agama";
    logLevel?: AgamaLogLevelType;
    userAccountID?: string;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


application?: string

The name of your application.

- Available since v2.61.0.
- Will not be reported to Agama if not present

applicationVersion?: string

The version of your application

- Available since v2.61.0.
- Will not be reported to Agama if not present

config: string

The initial base configuration.

- For more information, consult the Agama documentation.

connectionType?: string

Network connection the device is currently using.

- These pre-defined Device type values must be used if the Device matches one of following: 'ethernet', 'wlan', 'mobile/3G', 'mobile/4G', 'mobile/5G'.
- If no value is passed, the player will determine this based on the available browser APIs.
- Available since v6.5.0.

deviceID?: string

The identifier of the device.

- Available since v4.1.0.
- Make sure to pass a valid string as indicated by the Agama SDK documentation. No specific value format validation is performed on this as that is deemed the responsibility of the one setting this value externally via this configuration property.
- Will be generated internally for each session if not present

deviceManufacturer?: string

The manufacturer of the device

- Available since v5.3.0

deviceModel?: string

The model name of the Device, including the "submodel".

- Use the spelling set by the manufacturer.
- Available since v5.3.0

deviceOs?: string

The name of the OS that the device is running.

- Use in combination with deviceOsVersion.
- Include platform's name if the software can be used on various devices (e.g. case of Android platform).
- Available since v5.9.0

deviceOsVersion?: string

The version of the OS the device is running.

- Version should be reported in major.minor.patch notation (i.e. without build information).
- Available since v5.9.0

deviceType?: string

A string describing the physical Device type

- These pre-defined Device type values must be used if the Device matches one of following: 'tablet', 'mobile', 'pc', 'media-streamer' (used for Chromecast, Apple TV), 'game-console', 'tv'.
- If no value is passed, the player will determine this based on the user agent.
- Available since v6.4.0

integration: "agama"

The identifier of the analytics integration.

The type of log level.


userAccountID?: string

The identifier of the user account.

- Available since v2.61.0.
- Will not be reported to Agama if not present