The MultiViewPlayer API.

- Available since v4.3.0
- Only available with the feature 'multiview'.
- Only supported on modern browsers such as evergreen Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Not supported on Internet Explorer.




autoplay: boolean

Whether the player should immediately start playback.

- To autoplay with sound on certain platforms, MultiViewPlayer.prepareWithUserAction must be called at least once.
- To autoplay without sound, PlayerConfiguration.mutedAutoplay must be configured.

buffered: TimeRanges

Returns a TimeRanges object that represents the intersection of all buffered properties of the underlying players.

currentTime: number

The current playback position of the player currently at position zero.

duration: number

Returns the minimum of all duration properties of the underlying players.

ended: boolean

Whether any of the underlying players is ended.

errorObject: undefined | THEOplayerError

Returns the last error that occurred of the underlying players.

The currently selected layout.

mainAudioView: undefined | View

The View whose audio is in focus.

Only one view can have audio focus at a time.

mainVideoView: undefined | View

The View whose video is in focus.

This is the same as the View at position zero.

muted: boolean

Whether all the underlying players are muted.

paused: boolean

Whether any of the underlying players is muted.

playbackRate: number

Returns the playbackRate of the player at position zero.

played: TimeRanges

Returns the intersection of all played properties of the underlying players.

readyState: number

Returns the minimum of all readyState properties of the underlying players.

seekable: TimeRanges

Returns the intersection of all seekable properties of the underlying players.

seeking: boolean

Whether any of the underlying players is seeking.

The Video.js player on which the UI is built.

views: readonly View[]

Returns all Views in their respective order.

volume: number

Returns the volume of the player at position zero.


  • Calls destroy() on all underlying players and removes all views.

    Returns void

  • Disables fullscreen mode.

    Returns void

  • Creates a new view.


    • label: string

      The name belonging to a view which is used in the multiview menu.

    • source: SourceDescription

      The SourceDescription set on the view.

    • Optionaldescription: string

      A short description of the view which will be displayed on top.

    • Optionaloffset: number

      The offset in milliseconds used for improving synchronization between views.

    Returns View

    - If the given label clashes with an existing label, the existing view will be returned.
    - A player which is created is with position set to the length of MultiViewPlayer.views.

  • Calls pause() on all underlying players.

    Returns void

  • Calls play() on all underlying players and starts in-sync playback.

    Returns void

  • Calls prepareWithUserAction() on all underlying players.

    Returns void

  • Enables fullscreen mode on the element of the MultiViewPlayer.


    • Optionaloptions: FullscreenOptions

    Returns void

  • Stops playback and removes all views.

    Returns void