Interface VerizonMediaResponseLiveAdBreak

Represents a Verizon Media response for live ad breaks.

interface VerizonMediaResponseLiveAdBreak {
    ads: VerizonMediaResponseLiveAd[];
    breakId: string;
    duration: number;
    events: Record<string, string[]>;
    height?: number;
    position: "" | "preroll" | "midroll" | "postroll" | "overlay" | "pause";
    timeOffset: number;
    type: "nonlinear" | "linear";
    width?: number;


List of ad information.

breakId: string

The identifier of the ad break.

duration: number

The duration of the ad break, in seconds.

events: Record<string, string[]>

A record of all VAST 3.0 tracking events for this ad. Each entry contains an event name with associated tracking URLs.

height?: number

The height of the ads in the ad break, in pixels.


- Each ad can override this value.

position: "" | "preroll" | "midroll" | "postroll" | "overlay" | "pause"

The position of the ad break, represented by a value from the following list:
- 'preroll': Ad break that plays before the content.
- 'midroll': Ad break that plays during the content.
- 'postroll': Ad break that plays after the content.
- 'pause': Ad break that should be shown when the player is paused.
- 'overlay': Non-linear ad break that is shown over the player.
- '': Unknown ad break position.

timeOffset: number

The time offset of the ad break, in seconds.

type: "nonlinear" | "linear"

The type of the ad break.

width?: number

The width of the ads in the ad break, in pixels.


- Each ad can override this value.

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