THEOads Pricing

THEOads complements THEOplayer with flexible, usage-based pricing designed to grow your revenue through more effective, less intrusive ads. Consult with our experts to tailor a plan that meets your specific needs and goals.

Flexible, Usage-Based Pricing


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Grow Revenue with THEOads



Innovative Ad Formats

Leverage cutting-edge ad formats to deliver more ads that are less intrusive, creating new monetization opportunities while enhancing viewer satisfaction.


Cost-Efficient Operations

Streamline your operations to reduce complexity and costs, ensuring you achieve maximum scalability.


Optimized Ad Inventory Use

Increase your ad inventory utilization by improving rendering and fill rates, leading to higher ad revenue and an impressive Return on Investment (ROI).

Frequently Asked Questions


Can I use my own video player with THEOads?
THEOads is designed to work exclusively with THEOplayer. With Server-Guided Ad Insertion, it’s crucial to have full control over the player, as it handles key functions like decisioning requests, ad splicing, and ad beaconing.
Do I need to be a Google customer to use THEOads?
Yes, THEOads is integrated with Google’s DAI suite. You’ll need contracts with both THEO for THEOplayer & THEOads and Google for Google DAI usage.
Can I test THEOads before committing?

Absolutely! We encourage you to get in touch with us to discuss your specific use case. Our experts are ready to assist with setting up a demo or Proof-of-Concept for THEOads, giving you the opportunity to experience the benefits firsthand.

What standards does THEOads support?

THEOads currently leverages HLS interstitials, adhering to established standards for easy integration and interoperability in your video delivery pipeline. We continually evaluate new standards as they emerge for future implementation.

Let's talk about your project

Let's talk about your project and create a future-proof ad experience for your viewer across all devices. Explore how THEOads boosts viewer engagement and ad revenue.

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