
Low latency live streaming

Whether you’re looking for live streaming latencies on par with broadcast, to avoid spoiler effects from social media or neighbors, or if you’d like to stream real-time, and create interactive experiences, we got you covered!

Boost Viewer Satisfaction with Low Latency Video Playback

Maximize engagement, prevent spoilers, and enable interactive experiences with THEOplayer’s low latency capabilities.

live streaming v5

Test your low latency streams with THEOplayer

Check our test page to see THEOplayer in action with your LL-DASH or LL-HLS streams.

Real-time streaming at scale with THEOlive

THEOlive, powered by the High Efficiency Streaming Protocol (HESP), boosts viewer engagement and ROI for sports betting, iGaming, and interactive entertainment through high-quality real-time video streaming at scale.

Sub-second latency

Stream real-time to your viewers and create interactive experiences.

API-first approach

Get started in minutes via APIs or the management console.

Highly scalable

Stream to a virtually unlimited number of viewers, and easily handle flash crowds.

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Want to deliver high-quality online video experiences to your viewers, efficiently?

We’d love to talk about how we can help you with your video player, low latency live delivery and advertisement needs. 

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