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Version: 7.12.0


A connector between a THEOplayer instance and a Common Media Client Data (CMCD) server for the THEOplayer HTML5/Tizen/webOS SDK. This implementation supports CMCD data as defined in CTA-5004, published in September 2020.


In order to use this connector, a THEOplayer build with a valid license is required. You can use your existing THEOplayer HTML5 SDK license or request yours via THEOportal.


Install using your favorite package manager for Node (such as npm or yarn):

Install via npm

npm install @theoplayer/cmcd-connector-web

Install via yarn

yarn add @theoplayer/cmcd-connector-web


First you need to add the CMCD connector to your app :

  • Add as a regular script
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/cmcd-connector.umd.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
const player = new THEOplayer.Player(element, playerConfiguration);
const connector = THEOplayerCMCDConnector.createCMCDConnector(player);
  • Add as an ES2015 module
<script type="module">
import { createCMCDConnector } from "path/to/cmcd-connector.esm.js";
const player = new THEOplayer.Player(element, playerConfiguration);
const connector = createCMCDConnector(player);

By default, the data is sent via query arguments, but you can configure the transmission mode before creating the CMCD connector. For example, to transmit via HTTP headers:

  • regular script
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/cmcd-connector.umd.js"></script>
const player = new THEOplayer.Player(element, playerConfiguration);
const configuration = {
transmissionMode: THEOplayerCMCDConnector.TransmissionMode.HTTP_HEADER
const connector = THEOplayerCMCDConnector.createCMCDConnector(player, configuration);
  • ES2015 module
<script type="module">
import { createCMCDConnector, TransmissionMode } from "path/to/cmcd-connector.esm.js";
const player = new THEOplayer.Player(element, playerConfiguration);
const configuration = {
transmissionMode: TransmissionMode.HTTP_HEADER
const connector = createCMCDConnector(player, configuration);

The connector will be automatically destroyed upon destruction of the provided player. When changing the player source and a content ID is being passed in, this is to be reset through reconfigure() as it will not be cleared automatically.


Note that when native playback is being used, either through THEOplayer's configuration, or due to absence of MSE/EME APIs, the JSON Object transmission mode should be used.

Currently, all standardized reserved keys are reported, except:

  • Object duration (d)
  • Next object request (nor)
  • Next range request (nrr)