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Version: 4.12.7

How to insert a button

This article provides information on how developers can add custom buttons to THEOplayer's default UI.

THEOplayer's default UI is based on VideoJS. A WebView is used on the Android and iOS SDKs. HTML, CSS and JavaScript is used to insert a button.

When using the Android or iOS SDKs, THEOplayer exposes a system to include JavaScript and CSS files (as described at How to add CSS or JavaScript files to an Android/iOS project). This system allows developers to re-use their code-logic.

Code example

This code example adds 2 time-jump buttons to the control bar. A button to go back 10 seconds in time should be positioned to the left of the play-button, and a button to go forward 10 seconds in time should be positioned to the right of the play-button.


The buttons use the Font Awesome icon set. This means that we first need to include the Font Awesome CSS stylesheet.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />

The code below inserts two buttons in the control bar, lets viewers jump in time when it is clicked, and adds a tooltip to the button.

// setting up the rewind button by setting up a video-js component
var Button = THEOplayer.videojs.getComponent('Button');
var RewindButton = THEOplayer.videojs.extend(Button, {
constructor: function () {
Button.apply(this, arguments);
/* initialize your button */
// this.el() = created DOM-element

// add tooltip
var tooltipSpan = document.createElement('span');
tooltipSpan.className = 'theo-button-tooltip vjs-hidden';
tooltipSpan.innerText = 'Go back 10 seconds';
function toggleTooltip() {
this.el().addEventListener('mouseover', toggleTooltip);
this.el().addEventListener('mouseout', toggleTooltip);
handleClick: () => {
player.currentTime -= 10;
buildCSSClass: function () {
return 'fa fa-step-backward vjs-button'; // insert all class names here
THEOplayer.videojs.registerComponent('RewindButton', RewindButton);
player.ui.getChild('controlBar').addChild('RewindButton', {});

// setting up the forward button by setting up a video-js component
var Button = THEOplayer.videojs.getComponent('Button');
var ForwardButton = THEOplayer.videojs.extend(Button, {
constructor: function () {
Button.apply(this, arguments);
/* initialize your button */
// this.el() = created DOM-element

// add tooltip
var tooltipSpan = document.createElement('span');
tooltipSpan.className = 'theo-button-tooltip vjs-hidden';
tooltipSpan.innerText = 'Go forward 10 seconds';
function toggleTooltip() {
this.el().addEventListener('mouseover', toggleTooltip);
this.el().addEventListener('mouseout', toggleTooltip);
handleClick: () => {
player.currentTime += 10;
buildCSSClass: function () {
return 'fa fa-step-forward vjs-button'; // insert all class names here
THEOplayer.videojs.registerComponent('ForwardButton', ForwardButton);
player.ui.getChild('controlBar').addChild('ForwardButton', {});

You could add vjs-control to the return-string of buildCSSClass to make the button more similar to the default buttons.

Finally, you can adjust the position of the custom buttons with the order attribute, and force the cursor to use a pointer.

.fa-step-backward {
order: -101; /* to the left of the play/pause-button */
cursor: pointer;
.fa-step-forward {
order: -100; /* to the right of the play/pause-button */
cursor: pointer;

Android SDK

The Web SDK code should be included in your Android (TV) project. This article explains how you can add CSS and JavaScript files to your project. The sample project below demonstrates a reference implementation.


The Web SDK code above should be included in your iOS project. This article explains how you can add CSS and JavaScript files to your project. The sample project below demonstrates a reference implementation.

Sample resources

The pages or projects below demonstrate implementations of similar use cases.

Other resources

The samples below demonstrate how to implement a custom UI without injecting JavaScript into a WebView on mobile SDKs.