How to programmatically detect video track qualities
This article describes how you can use the API to detect video track qualities.
The VideoTrack API, which is a sub-API of the MediaTrack API, can be used to implement this functionality. Implementing this functionality is a common use-case for developers who want to build their own UI to visualize the available video track qualities.
Web SDK | Android SDK | iOS SDK | tvOS SDK | Android TV SDK | Chromecast SDK |
Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes |
Code examples
The code examples below how to implement the detection of video track qualities across SDK.
The Web SDK leverages the MediaTrack API.
function handleAddTrackEvent(addTrackEvent) {
var videoTrackQualities = addTrackEvent.track.qualities;
player.videoTracks.addEventListener('addtrack', handleAddTrackEvent);
Android (TV) SDK
The Android SDK leverages the MediaTrack API.
EventListener<AddTrackEvent> handleAddTrackEvent = new EventListener<AddTrackEvent>() {
public void handleEvent(AddTrackEvent addTrackEvent) {
QualityList videoTrackQualities = addTrackEvent.getTrack().getQualities();
tpv.getPlayer().getVideoTracks().addEventListener(VideoTrackListEventTypes.ADDTRACK, handleAddTrackEvent);
iOS (/tvOS) SDK
Currently not available due to iOS limitations.
- A related article on building a Chromeless UI is located at How to build a Chromeless UI.