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Version: 4.12.7


Yospace is a Server-Side Ad Insertion solution. A demo for the Web SDK can be found here.


Web SDKAndroid SDKiOS SDKtvOS SDKAndroid TV SDKChromecast SDK


  1. Your THEOplayer SDK needs to have the yospace module enabled.
  2. You need to include the Yospace's JavaScript SDK as this is a dependency.
Android (TV) SDK
  1. Your THEOplayer SDK needs to have the yospace module enabled.
  2. You need to include the yoAdManagement.aar and yoUtil.aar libraries in your Android project.
iOS (/tvOS) SDK
  1. Your THEOplayer SDK needs to have the yospace module enabled.
  2. You need to include the Yospace framework.

Starting Template


The first thing you need is a valid THEOplayer set-up. If you have no experience with setting up our player, we have an excellent getting started guide.

To get THEOplayer to work, you only need to do three things:

  1. Reference the THEOplayer JavaScript library (and optionally the default CSS styles).
  2. Add a container which can hold your video player with HTML.
  3. Create your player through JavaScript using our API.

A basic HTML page with a working THEOplayer could like the following:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>THEOplayer Web SDK: Getting Started</title>
<metaname="viewport"content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href='/path/to/ui.css'><!-- ads THEOplayer CSS -->

<div class="theoplayer-container video-js theoplayer-skin theo-seekbar-above-controls"></div>

<script type='text/javascript' src='/path/to/THEOplayer.js'></script><!-- ads THEOplayer library -->

var element = document.querySelector('.theoplayer-container');
var player = new THEOplayer.Player(element, {
libraryLocation: '/path/to/library-folder/',
license: 'your_license_here',

player.source = {
sources : [{
src : 'your.m3u8',
type : 'application/x-mpegurl'


Pretty self-explanatory, isn't it?

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/path/to/ui.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/THEOplayer.js"></script>

The two snippets above are the references to the JS and CSS library.

<div class="theoplayer-container video-js theoplayer-skin theo-seekbar-above-controls"></div>

The snippet above is your HTML container.


var element = document.querySelector('.theoplayer-container');
var player = new THEOplayer.Player(element, {
libraryLocation: '/path/to/library-folder/',
license: 'your_license_here',

player.source = {
sources : [{
src : 'your.m3u8',
type : 'application/x-mpegurl'


The snippet above initializes your player, including a HLS source.

Integrating Yospace


Add a Yospace adConfiguration to the sources.

var yoSpaceConfiguration = {
integration: 'yospace',
var SourceDescription = {
sources: [
src: ',sampledroid.m3u8;',
type: 'application/x-mpegurl',
ssai: yoSpaceConfiguration,

You can also access the extended Yospace API.

player.yospace.session; // the Yospace session object
player.yospace.addEventListener('sessionavailable', console.log);

You can also detect ad-related events.

AdBreakStart: function () {
console.log('AdBreakStart', player.yospace.session);
AdvertStart: function () {
console.log('AdvertStart', player.yospace.session);
AdvertEnd: function () {
console.log('AdvertEnd', player.yospace.session);
AdBreakEnd: function () {
console.log('AdBreakEnd', player.yospace.session);
UpdateTimeline: function () {
console.log('UpdateTimeline', player.yospace.session);
Legacy Android SDK (4.12.x)

Add a Yospace adConfiguration to the sources.

YoSpaceDescription yoSpaceDescription = new YoSpaceDescription.Builder()
// .logLevel(YoSpaceLogLevelConfiguration.Builder.yoSpaceLogLevelConfiguration().http(true).build())
TypedSource typedSource = new TypedSource.Builder()
SourceDescription sourceDescription = SourceDescription.Builder.sourceDescription()

You can also access the extended Yospace API.

⚠️ This gives you access to the Yospace Session object! Be careful with your modifications, it could affect how THEOplayer works!

theoplayer.getPlayer().getYospace().getActiveSession(); // the Yospace session object
theoplayer.getPlayer().getYospace().addEventListener(YospaceEventTypes.SESSIONCHANGED, new EventListener<SessionChangedEvent>() {
public void handleEvent(SessionChangedEvent event) {
//from this moment you can access the Yospace session object: currentSession =

You can also detect ad-related events.

theoplayer.getPlayer().getYospace().getActiveSession().addAnalyticListener(new AnalyticEventListener() {
public void onAdvertBreakEnd(AdBreak adBreak) {


public void onAdvertBreakStart(AdBreak adBreak) {


public void onAdvertEnd(Advert advert) {


public void onAdvertStart(Advert advert) {


public void onTimelineUpdateReceived(VmapPayload vmapPayload) {


public void onTrackingUrlCalled(Advert advert, String s, String s1) {


public void onVastReceived(VastPayload vastPayload) {

iOS (/tvOS) SDK

Add a Yospace adConfiguration to the sources.

let yoSpaceConfiguration = YospaceServerSideAdInsertionConfiguration(
streamType: .live
//, logLevel: YospaceLogLevelConfiguration(id3Tags: true, rawXml: true)
let typedSource = TypedSource(
src: ",hlssample.m3u8?",
type: "application/x-mpegurl",
ssai: yoSpaceConfiguration
let sourceDescription = SourceDescription(source: typedSource)

You can also access the extended Yospace API.

⚠️ This gives you access to the Yospace Session object! Be careful with your modifications, it could affect how THEOplayer works!

theoplayer.yospace?.addEventListener(type: YospaceEventTypes.YOSPACE_SESSION_CHANGED, listener: { (e) in
print("Yospace session received ", e)
player.yospace?.activeSession?.subscribe(toAnalyticEvents: YourYospaceAnalyticsListener())

You can also detect ad-related events. To use Yospace classes and object, you need to include the Yospace headers in your project as described by Yospace.

class YourYospaceAnalyticsListener : NSObject, YSAnalyticObserver {
func advertDidStart(_ advert: YSAdvert) -> [Any]? {
print("Yospace advertDidStart")
return nil

func advertDidEnd(_ advert: YSAdvert) {
print("Yospace advertDidEnd")


THEOplayer partnered with Yospace to fully pre-integrate their Server-Side Ad Insertion solution, allowing you to play their streams in a breeze.

This partnership means that we are compatible with each other: THEOplayer has a long history with and is optimized to play Yospace streams. We regularly validate our integration and are the first to know about changes to the Yospace infrastructure.

Extra resources:

  1. Server-Side Ad Insertion Pre-Integration API
  2. THEOplayer Getting Started Guide
  3. Yospace website

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