How to display visual cues on the timeline to mark mid-rolls?
You may ask this question if you want to let the user know when and how many mid-rolls there are during the video.
Similar questions may be:
- Can I show where my ad is during the video?
- How can I let the user know when the ads will be during the video like in YouTube?
- Can ad markers be added to the timeline?
Showing visual cues indicating the moment in which the ads will start is certainly useful. This is not (yet) a THEOplayer standard feature, but what follows is a first step in that direction. Please keep in mind that this solution is still in development and has to date several limitations.
Prerequisites and limitations
It only works for THEOplayer ad integration
A timeOffset for each roll must be included in the AdDescription
timeOffset values must be one of the following:
a keyword (“start” and “end” allowed);
a number (seconds from video beginning);
undefined (which indicates a pre-roll).
it has only been tested on Chrome, Firefox and Edge for Win 10 and with the standard THEOplayer UI.
The code
Add this line to your CSS
.adCue {
width: 0.3em;
height: 100%;
background-color: white;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
Your AdDescription should look something like this [
"sources": "path/to/your-pre/midroll1.xml",
"timeOffset": value //valid values: ["start", "end", numbers]
"sources": "path/to/your-pre/midroll2.xml",
"timeOffset": value //valid values: ["start", "end", numbers]
Include (or call) this JavaScript snippet on your page:
var adsPresent = !!;
var contentDuration = 0;
var to = [];
var checker = true;
var playedAds = [];
player.addEventListener('pause', () => {
checker = false;
player.addEventListener('playing', () => {
var adIsPlaying =;
if (!checker) {
checker = adIsPlaying;
if (checker) {
!adIsPlaying ? drawCues() : destroyCues();
player.addEventListener('sourcechange', function () {
playedAds.length = 0;
});'adend', (adEvent) => {
function drawCues() {
var progressBar = element.querySelector('.vjs-progress-control.vjs-control');
for (var i = 0; i < to.length; i++) {
var timeOffset = to[i];
if (playedAds.indexOf(timeOffset) === -1) {
var left = (to[i] * progressBar.offsetWidth) / contentDuration;
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.setAttribute('to', to[i]);
div.classList.add('adCue'); = left + 'px';
function destroyCues() {
var cues = element.querySelectorAll('.vjs-progress-control.vjs-control .adCue');
for (cue of cues) {
function detectDuration(adIsPlaying) {
if (!adIsPlaying) {
contentDuration = player.duration;
//console.log("Duration ",contentDuration)
var t = 0;
for (var ad of {
to[t] = to[t] == 'end' ? contentDuration : to[t];
function detectTimeOffset() {
if (adsPresent) {
var t = 0;
for (var ad of {
to[t] = ad.timeOffset == undefined ? 0 : ad.timeOffset == 'start' ? 0 : ad.timeOffset;
//console.log("TimeOffsets ",to);