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Version: 8.14.0


In this guide, we will explore how to use the Objective-C APIs available in the THEOplayer iOS SDK. We will also dive into some of the changes made to the Swift APIs to accommodate the compatibility of the Objective-C APIs.

THEOplayer Objective-C API guide

Getting started

Get the latest THEOplayer iOS SDK. The simplest way to do so is through Cocoapods. Starting from version 2.89.0, the THEOplayer iOS SDK comes with Objective-C support! This single framework contains all the declarations available in Swift and Objective-C (except for the legacy Verizon Media APIs which are still only available in Swift).

To use it, simply import the framework in the header or implementation files like so:

#import <THEOplayerSDK/THEOplayerSDK-Swift.h>

You should now be able to access all the APIs provided. Tip: Start typing the prefix THEOplayer for a @property declaration for example, then Xcode should already auto-complete some THEOplayerSDK related declarations.


Always expect to see the THEOplayer prefix for all the declarations that are related to THEOplayerSDK. We do this to follow the convention and to avoid conflict with declarations with similar naming from other modules.


All classes are inherited from NSObject as per standard and are initialized using the alloc/init convention. For example, the class THEOplayerSourceDescription initialization is done by:

[[THEOplayerSourceDescription alloc] initWithSource:(THEOplayerTypedSource * _Nonnull)]

Note: If you are familiar with the THEOplayer Swift SDK, you might be used to encountering struct declarations. These are all converted to class (except for event types) since struct is not supported in Objective-C. More information about this topic can be found in the Changes to THEOplayer Swift API section.


All protocols declared in Swift are also available in Objective-C. To access them from a property declaration, use the following syntax format:

id<THEOplayerTextTrack> textTrack;

Notice the id<> notation, this is required for Xcode to detect that you are trying to declare a property of type protocol declaration.

Limitations: For THEOplayerTextTrackList and THEOplayerMediaTrackList protocols, the convenient subscript operator is unsupported in Objective-C. Instead, use the count property alongside the get method to achieve the same goal.

THEOplayer *player;
for (int i = 0; i < player.textTracks.count; i += 1) {
NSLog(@"The textTrack is: %@", [player.textTracks get: i]);


All enums have NSInteger type raw values. Similar to the enum, all the cases in the enum are prefixed with THEOplayer. This is necessary since enum cases can be directly accessed. The case values start at 1 and increment from there for each new case. The value 0 is reserved for a special NONE case which should be treated similarly to having a nil value whenever present.

Primitive Types

For integer and double values, we use NSNumber over int and double. The benefit this provides is that NSNumber can be nullable while int and double cannot. This helps keep the parity between the Swift and Objective-C APIs. For each individual use case, refer to the documentation for the precision of the NSNumber.

Consider the following method call, the visibility parameter expect an argument of type NSNumber. You can simply pass a literal NSNumber value by using the @ prefix:

THEOplayer *player;
[player.pip configureWithMovable: true defaultCorner: THEOplayerPictureInPictureCornerTOP_LEFT scale: 1 visibility: @0.5];

Consider the following duration property which has type NSNumber, to access the double value is simple as:

THEOplayer *player;
NSLog(@"The player duration is: %f", player.duration.doubleValue);

Note: You can always refer to the documentation to retrieve the number precision. In case it is integer, then you could access it with player.duration.integerValue instead.

Changes to THEOplayer Swift API

Some changes were accommodated in the existing THEOplayer Swift API for the benefit of having Objective-C compatibility. The impact of these changes are minimal but worth noting for reference in case there are ambiguities.

Structs are now Classes

This change is necessary because Objective-C does not support structs, and this can cause a behavioral change in a codebase where comparisons are done between different instances because structs are value types while classs are reference types. Normally this should not be a concern if you are already using these declarations since the structs were not conforming to the Equatable protocol and so comparison was not possible.

One difference that might be observed is when setting the property of a reference to a class instead of a struct. Consider this example:

let vrDir_1: VRDirection? = VRDirection(pitch: 90, roll: 90, yaw: 90)

if var vrDir_2 = vrDir_1 {
vrDir_2.pitch = 180


Previously VRDirection was a struct, therefore vrDir_2 would reference the value of vrDir_1 and setting the pitch property on vrDir_2 would not affect vrDir_1. Now that VRDirection is a class, vrDir_2 will refer to vrDir_1 and set the pitch property of vrDir_1.


Previously, all the enums had a rawValue of type String. Since Objective-C enums support only NSInteger as rawValue, we changed the rawValue type of enums to Int which will be exposed as NSInteger for Objective-C. In case the String value is still needed, it can still be accessed via the _rawValue property.


let presentationMode: PresentationMode = PresentationMode.inline
print(presentationMode.rawValue) // prints "inline"


let presentationMode: PresentationMode = PresentationMode.inline
print(presentationMode.rawValue) // prints 1
print(presentationMode._rawValue) // prints "inline"

But in most cases, the rawValue is not required when passing an argument or setting a property, or when comparing:

let player = THEOplayer()
if player.presentationMode == .inline {}
player.presentationMode = .inline