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Version: 8.13.0

Youbora (NPAW Plugin)

This article is a good place to start if you are looking for information on how to configure THEOplayer with Youbora.

Youbora adapter (NPAW plugin) for THEOplayer is maintained by the NPAW team and regularly kept up to date to make sure it is compatible with the latest THEOplayer version.

In order to access the links on this guide, you may need to login with your NPAW developer account.

Before you get started, for general information on NPAW plugin, please refer to this guide.


For general information on NPAW plugin for Web and how to set it up, please refer to this guide.

For integration with THEOplayer Web SDK, please refer to their integration guide here.

Android (TV) SDK

For general information on NPAW plugin for Android (TV) and how to set it up, please refer to this guide.

For integration with THEOplayer Android SDK, please reach out to the NPAW team to get the latest resources.


For general information on NPAW plugin for iOS/tvOS and how to set it up, please refer to this guide.

For integration with THEOplayer iOS/tvOS SDK, please reach out to the NPAW team to get the latest resources.