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Version: 8.14.0

How to set up VAST and VMAP ads?

This article explains how to schedule client-side VAST and VMAP advertisements through THEOplayer.

  • A VAST advertisement is a single ad break, and you can position it as a pre-roll, mid-roll or post-roll.
  • A VMAP advertisement is a playlist of ad breaks, and can contain any combination of pre-rolls, mid-rolls and/or post-rolls.

Through the THEOplayer API, app developers can define which "ad integration" they want to use.

THEOplayer currently supports 4 types of client-side ad integrations:

  1. CSAI
  2. Google IMA
  3. SpotX
  4. FreeWheel

This article explains scheduling VAST and VMAP ads. Scheduling VAST and VMAP ads through all ad integrations is very similar, so consider this article as a reference guide.


Web SDKAndroid SDKiOS SDKtvOS SDKAndroid TV SDKChromecast SDKRoku SDK


Setting up a client-side VAST advertisement means scheduling a VAST ad tag.

As an app developer, you associate a VAST ad tag (URL) (e.g. with a time offset.

Additionally, when using the default, csai ad integration, you can also specify after how many seconds a VAST ad may be skipped. If you are using Google IMA, the skip offset should be set inside the ad tag instead.

You may also schedule multiple ad tags.

Let's consider the following common use-cases:

  1. Scheduling a single pre-roll
  2. Scheduling two pre-rolls, two mid-rolls and one post-roll
  3. Scheduling a skippable mid-roll

Scheduling a single pre-roll

The following snippets demonstrate how to schedule a single pre-roll.


You configure an AdDescription in the ads property of your SourceConfiguration.

In this AdDescription,

  • You set the value of sources to your ad tag URL.
  • You set the value of timeOffset to "start" (or 00:00:00 or 0%) to indicate that it's a pre-roll.
  • You set its type to "vast". When this isn't provided, the player will still try to figure out its type after making the ad request.
player.source = {
sources: [
src: '',
ads: [
sources: '',
timeOffset: 'start',
type: 'vast',
integration: 'csai', // When no integration is provided, the player defaults to `csai`.

If you wanted to schedule a post-roll instead of a pre-roll, you set the value of timeOffset to "end".

If you want to schedule a mid-roll instead of a pre-roll, you set the value of timeOffset to the HH:MM:SS format.

For example, to schedule an advertisement at the 15s mark, you set the value of timeOffset to "00:00:15".

If you wanted to use Google IMA as an example, you would replace integration: "csai" with integration: "google-ima". Before doing so, make sure you have set up Google IMA correctly.

Android SDK

We will be using Google IMA here so make sure to set it up before starting.

You configure a GoogleImaAdDescription in the ads property of your SourceDescription.

In this GoogleImaAdDescription,

  • You set an ad tag URL.
  • You set the value of timeOffset to "start" (or 00:00:00 or 0%) to indicate that it's a pre-roll.
theoPlayer.source = SourceDescription.Builder(

If you wanted to schedule a post-roll instead of a pre-roll, you set the value of timeOffset to "end".

If you want to schedule a mid-roll instead of a pre-roll, you set the value of timeOffset to the HH:MM:SS format.

For example, to schedule an advertisement at the 15s mark, you set the value of timeOffset to "00:00:15".


We will be using Google IMA here so make sure to set it up before starting.

You configure a GoogleImaAdDescription in the ads property of your SourceDescription.

In this GoogleImaAdDescription,

  • You set an ad tag URL.
  • You set the value of timeOffset to "start" (or 00:00:00 or 0%) to indicate that it's a pre-roll.
private var source: SourceDescription {
// Declare a TypedSource object with a stream URL and its type
let typedSource = TypedSource(
src: videoUrl,
type: mimeType

// The AdDescription object that defines the IMA ad to be played.
let offset = "start",
let adDescription: GoogleImaAdDescription = GoogleImaAdDescription(src: adTagUrl, timeOffset: offset)

// Returns a computed SourceDescription object
return SourceDescription(
source: typedSource,
ads: [adDescription],
poster: posterUrl

If you wanted to schedule a post-roll instead of a pre-roll, you set the value of timeOffset to "end".

If you want to schedule a mid-roll instead of a pre-roll, you set the value of timeOffset to the HH:MM:SS format.

For example, to schedule an advertisement at the 15s mark, you set the value of timeOffset to "00:00:15".

Scheduling two pre-rolls, two mid-rolls and one post-roll

Scheduling multiple VAST ads is only slightly different from scheduling a single VAST ad. Instead of passing along one ad description to your array, you pass along multiple ad descriptions to the array.

The following snippets demonstrate how you would configure two pre-rolls, two mid-rolls and one post-roll through the usage of VAST ads.


player.source = {
sources: [
src: '',
ads: [
sources: '',
timeOffset: 'start',
sources: '',
timeOffset: 'start',
sources: '',
timeOffset: '00:00:15',
sources: '',
timeOffset: '00:00:30',
sources: '',
timeOffset: 'end',

Android SDK

val typedSource = TypedSource.Builder("")
val sourceDescription = SourceDescription.Builder(

theoPlayer.source =


let typedSource = TypedSource(src: "", type: "application/x-mpegurl")

let vastAdTag = ""
let ad1 = GoogleImaAdDescription(src : vastAdTag, timeOffset: "start")
let ad2 = GoogleImaAdDescription(src : vastAdTag, timeOffset: "start")
let ad3 = GoogleImaAdDescription(src : vastAdTag, timeOffset: "00:00:15")
let ad4 = GoogleImaAdDescription(src : vastAdTag, timeOffset: "00:00:15")
let ad5 = GoogleImaAdDescription(src : vastAdTag, timeOffset: "end")
let source = SourceDescription(source : typedSource, ads: [ad1, ad2, ad3, ad4, ad5])

theoplayer.source = source

Scheduling a skippable mid-roll

When using the csai ad integration, you can define when an VAST ad can be skipped through the skipOffset property.

However, it is recommended to leverage the skipOffset property in your VAST (or VMAP) file instead, and adhere to the VAST standard, because this offers the widest support across ad integrations and platforms.

The following snippets demonstrate how to allow viewers to skip a mid-roll after 5 seconds.

Note that the skipOffset property is not supported when using other ad integrations, such as Google IMA, SpotX and FreeWheel because we are dependent on third-party APIs.


player.source = {
sources: [
src: '',
ads: [
sources: '',
type: 'vast',
timeOffset: '00:00:15',
skipOffset: '5',


Scheduling a VMAP advertisement is similar to scheduling a VAST advertisement. However, you don't define the timeOffset, because the VMAP playlist defines the offsets of each ad break it contains. The time offset helps VAST ads to play at a specific timestamp. VMAP ads can define that behavior inside their manifest file, thus they should not have a timeOffset parameter. This property may not be configured for ad types other than VAST. Setting a timeOffset on a VMAP ad will cause your ads not to be scheduled correctly, unless you explicitly configured an AdSource.type, in which case timeOffset will be ignored. This is because the player must decide up front when to load the ad source: VMAP ads must be loaded immediately in order to schedule them correctly, while loading a VAST ad can be deferred until right before the timeOffset at which to play them. Therefore, if a timeOffset is configured without an explicit AdSource.Type, the player will assume that it's a VAST ad.

The snippets below demonstrate how to configure a VMAP advertisement.


// Declare a VMAP ad source. No timeOffset here, because the VMAP itself arranges this.
player.source = {
sources: [
src: '',
ads: [
sources: '',
type: 'vmap',
integration: 'csai', // When no integration is provided, the player defaults to `csai`.

Android SDK

val typedSource = TypedSource.Builder("")
val sourceDescription = SourceDescription.Builder(

theoPlayer.source =


let typedSource = TypedSource(src: "", type: "application/x-mpegurl")

let vmapSource = ""
let ad = GoogleImaAdDescription(src : vmapSource)

let source = SourceDescription(source : typedSource, ads: [ad])
theoplayer.source = source

Dynamic scheduling

If you've read our Advertising User Guide, you might have picked up that you can also dynamically schedule VAST advertisements in THEOplayer. All previous samples in this article use static, pre-defined scheduling; you schedule the ads whenever you schedule the stream. With dynamic scheduling, you schedule ads at runtime.

You use the Ads interface to schedule an AdDescription at runtime. More specifically, you invoke the ads.schedule(<yourAdDescription>) function when your video is already playing.

Note that specifying the timeOffset is optional, and that this value is an absolute value. For example, let's consider that your current playhead position is at the 20 seconds mark, and that you want a and you schedule an ad at the 30 seconds mark. To achieve this, you would set timeOffset: "00:00:30", and not to timeOffset: "00:00:10", because this would be 10 seconds in the past, and the ad would instantly start playing.

The following samples illustrate the schedule function across different SDKs. Invoking the following example functions when the video is already playing will instantly schedule the VAST ad to be played:

Web SDK{
sources: '',

Android SDK

iOS/tvOS SDK GoogleImaAdDescription(src: ""))
