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Version: 8.14.0

Migrating to THEOplayer Android SDK 8.x

This article will guide your through updating from THEOplayer Android SDK version 8 (from version 7), and the changes needed in your code.

Add the THEOplayer Maven repository

Until version 7, the THEOplayer Android SDK was published both to our THEOplayer Maven repository and JitPack. As of version 8, we publish new versions only to the THEOplayer Maven repository.

In your top-level (project) build.gradle file, remove the JitPack repository and add the THEOplayer Maven repository:

  allprojects {
repositories {
- maven { url '' }
+ maven { url '' }

If you're using other (non-THEOplayer) dependencies that are published to JitPack, you should not remove the JitPack repository from your build.gradle file. However, we recommend placing the THEOplayer Maven repository before JitPack, so the THEOplayer Android SDK is always downloaded from our official repository.

Update THEOplayer

Update THEOplayer Android SDK to version 8 in your module-level build.gradle file:

dependencies {
implementation 'com.theoplayer.theoplayer-sdk-android:core:8.+'

If you're using the Open Video UI for Android or one of our connectors, make sure to update them to the latest version too to ensure proper support for THEOplayer version 8.