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Version: 8.11.0

Digital Rights Management (DRM)


This section outlines how play-out of DRM protected content can be achieved with react-native-theoplayer. A detailed explanation on how DRM (Digital Rights Management) works can be found in THEOplayer's knowledge base.


THEOplayer supports Fairplay, PlayReady and Widevine by default. Configuring a DRM protected stream source with react-native-theoplayer is very similar to how it is done for the Web SDK, by providing a contentProtection object in the source description.

const source = {
src: "<manifest>",
type: "application/dash+xml",
contentProtection: {
widevine: {
licenseAcquisitionURL: ""
playready: {
licenseAcquisitionURL: ""
fairplay: {
certificateURL: '',
licenseAcquisitionURL: ''
const onReady = (player: THEOplayer) => {
player.source = source;

<THEOplayerView onPlayerReady={onReady}/>

Content Protection Integrations


THEOplayer is pre-integrated with a number of commercial multi-DRM vendors, which means support for these vendors is already included and enabled in the SDK.

In addition to these pre-integrations, the react-native-theoplayer SDK as well as all native THEOplayer SDKs, come with the ability to create and register a custom DRM integration.

Creating a custom protection integration

The implementation of a custom DRM integration for react-native-theoplayer is almost identical to the implementation for the Web SDK, and is explained in detail on our THEOplayer DRM integrations repository. This repository also contains a number of examples for well-known multi-DRM vendors.

Registering a custom protection integration

Once the custom DRM integrations is created, it needs to be registered up-front as follows:

import { ContentProtectionRegistry } from 'react-native-theoplayer';
import { MyCustomFairplayContentProtectionIntegrationFactory } from './drm/MyCustomFairplayContentProtectionIntegrationFactory';

new MyCustomFairplayContentProtectionIntegrationFactory()

Finally, the integrationId used on registration (in this case "myCustomDRM") should be added to the sourceDescription so that THEOplayer knows which integration to use for this source. Any additional integrationParameters needed by the custom integration can be passed here as well.

const source = {
src: "<manifest>",
type: "application/dash+xml",
contentProtection: {
fairplay: {
certificateURL: '',
licenseAcquisitionURL: ''
integration: "myCustomDRM",
integrationParameters: {
authToken: "<token>",