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Version: 8.11.0

Nielsen Web Connector

A connector implementing Nielsen with THEOplayer.


npm install @theoplayer/nielsen-connector-web


Configuring the connector

Create the connector by providing the following mandatory parameters:

  • The THEOplayer instance
  • the Nielsen App ID
  • the channelName for the asset

and optionally the following parameters:

  • a NielsenOptions object
  • a NielsenConfiguration object (if none is provided, the default configuration disables DCR, enables DTVR and sets the country to US)
import { NielsenConnector } from '../../dist/THEOplayerNielsenConnector';

const appId = '<your app ID>';
const channelName = '<your channel name>';

// Non-mandatory options
const options: NielsenOptions = {
containerId: 'THEOplayer',
optout: false

// Non-mandatory configuration (e.g. for DCR tracking with the Czech Republic SDK)
const configuration: NielsenConfiguration = {
country: NielsenCountry.CZ,
enableDTVR: false,
enableDCR: true
const nielsenConnector = new NielsenConnector(player, appId, channelName, options);

The NielsenOptions can have the following fields:

containerIdHTML DOM element id of the player container.
nol_sdkDebugEnables Debug Mode which allows output to be viewed in console.
optoutWhether to opt-out of Nielsen Measurement.

Passing metadata dynamically (DTVR)

The connector allows updating the current asset's metadata at any time. Note that Nielsen's documentation prohibits updating of the values for type, vidtype or assetid parameters

const metadata = {
['channelName']: 'newChannelName',
['customTag1']: 'customValue1',
['customTag2']: 'customValue2'

Passing metadata when setting a source to the player (DCR)

This can be achieved through the updateDCRContentMetadata method, e.g.:

const metadata: NielsenDCRContentMetadataCZ = {
assetid: 'cz-500358-98731568435405',
program: 'Animated Test Content',
title: 'Big Buck Bunny',
length: '596',
airdate: '20230620 20:00:00',
isfullepisode: true,
crossId1: '915 954 39504',
c2: '651678089925925',
segB: '011',
adloadtype: AdLoadType.linear,
hasAds: HasAds.supports_ads


Note that types are included in the package: NielsenDCRContentMetadataUS, NielsenDCRContentMetadataCZ. Please contact your THEO Technologies representative if you need support for another International DCR SDK.