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Version: 8.12.1

THEOPlayer 🤝 Yospace

THEOplayer-Connector-Yospace provides an integration between the THEOplayerSDK and Yospace to allow playback of server-side ad inserted streams.


Swift Package Manager

  1. In Xcode, install the Yospace connector by navigating to File > Add Packages
  2. In the prompt that appears, select the iOS-Connector GitHub repository:
  3. Select the version you want to use.
  4. Choose the Connector libraries you want to include in your app.

To support custom feature builds of THEOplayerSDK perform the following steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your computer.
  2. Use a local override of the theoplayer-sdk-ios package by selecting the folder ../../Helpers/TheoSPM/theoplayer-sdk-ios in Finder and dragging it into the Project navigator of your Xcode project.
  3. Place your custom THEOplayerSDK.xcframework at ../../Helpers/TheoSPM/theoplayer-sdk-ios/THEOplayerSDK.xcframework. (It is also possible to place your xcframework somewhere else. In that case make sure to update the Package.swift manifest inside the your local override so that it points to your custom THEOplayer build)
  4. If Xcode complains about a missing xcframework
    1. Choose File > Packages > Reset Package Caches from the menu bar.
    2. If it is still not working, make sure to remove any THEOplayerSDK.xcframework inclusions that you manually installed before installing this connector package.


  1. Create a Podfile if you don't already have one. From the root of your project directory, run the following command: pod init
  2. To your Podfile, add the Yospace connector pod that you want to use in your app: pod 'THEOplayer-Connector-Yospace'
  3. Add the following post-install hook in your Podfile:
post_install do |installer|
custom_framework_path = "#{installer.sandbox.root}/YOAdManagement-Release/YOAdManagement.xcframework"

installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
if == 'THEOplayer-Connector-Yospace'
framework_build_phase = target.frameworks_build_phase
file_ref = installer.pods_project.new_file(custom_framework_path)


Check the Dependencies section below to get information on how to obtain the YOAdManagement.xcframework as a pod. 4. Install the pods using pod install , then open your .xcworkspace file to see the project in Xcode.

To support custom feature builds of THEOplayerSDK perform the following steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your computer.
  2. Use a local override of the THEOplayerSDK-basic pod by adding the following line to your projects Podfile: pod 'THEOplayerSDK-basic', :path => 'iOS-Connector/Helpers/TheoPod' and make sure the path points to the TheoPod folder.


The THEOPlayer Yospace connector has two dependency frameworks: THEOplayerSDK and YOAdManagement.

THEOplayerSDK is added as a dependency on both Cocoapods and SPM and will be fetched by each dependency manager. YOAdManagement is published as a private pod hosted on Artifactory by jfrog. In order to get the framework you will need to:

  1. Setup a Yospace developer account at
  2. Login to the Yospace Apple docs
  3. Follow the instructions to setup the artifactory, authenticate, and fetch the framework at


Import the THEOplayerConnectorYospace module

import THEOplayerConnectorYospace

Create a SourceDescription that defines the Yospace stream:

let streamType: YospaceStreamType = .live
let typedSource: TypedSource = .init(
src: "yospace_live_stream_url",
type: "application/x-mpegurl",
ssai: YospaceServerSideAdInsertionConfiguration(streamType: streamType)
let source: SourceDescription = SourceDescription(source: typedSource)

Create a YospaceConnector that uses a THEOplayer instance:

let theoplayer: THEOplayer = .init()
let connector: YospaceConnector = .init(player: theoplayer)

Note: Hold a reference to your connector instance by storing it as a property. Keeping it inline will get it auto-released from memory. Once the connector is released from memory it will reset and unload autonomously.

Set the source and play. There are 2 ways to set a Yospace source:

  1. Through the API provided by the YospaceConnector:
connector.setupYospaceSession(sourceDescription: source)

The connector will then fire a SESSION_AVAILABLE event once the setup is successful. The client can track this event to start playback:

_ = connector.addEventListener(type: YospaceEventTypes.SESSION_AVAILABLE, listener: { event in

When using the setupYospaceSession API, the connector will throw an error in case the TypedSource is not of type YospaceServerSideAdInsertionConfiguration.

  1. Through the player:
theoplayer.source = source