Player API
The attributes, methods and events.
Name | Type | Default | Access Permission | Description |
audioTracks | array of associative arrays | [] | read | Provides information about audio tracks detected automatically in video. Each Associative array has the following fields: id - track identifier, label - track name, language - track language, enabled - true if track is current track |
controls | boolean | true | read,write | Allows to enable or disable player controls ( true to show controls, false to hide controls). |
currentTime | integer | read,write | Current timestamp of video. | |
duration | integer | read | Duration of video. | |
enableTrickPlay | boolean | true | read,write | Whether trick playback of the media is enabled, and whether the remote buttons will allow trickplay. NOTE: controls must be set to true for this to have any effect. |
ended | boolean | false | read | Whether playback of the media is ended. |
loop | boolean | false | read,write | Whether playback of the media is looped. |
paused | boolean | read | Whether the player is paused. | |
poster | string | read,write | The poster of the current source. | |
seeking | boolean | read | true when player is seeking, false when player is not seeking now. | |
source | Source Description | read,write | Describes source of current video. | |
src | string | read | The current URL of the media resource. | |
textTracks | array of associative arrays | [] | read | Provides information about Closed Captions tracks detected automatically in video. Each Associative array has the following fields: id - track identifier, label - track description, language - track language,mode - determines track state, available values: disabled, showing, hidden |
Source Description
The following key/value pairs are supported on the source
attribute of the THEOsdk:THEOplayer
Name | Type | Description |
sources | roArray | An array of Typed Sources. When specifying multiple source descriptions, the sources attribute will be interpreted as a playlist where the first typed source will play first and subsequent sources will play when its preceding typed source has ended. |
poster | string | The URL of an image to use as the poster for the media source. This is used for SDPosterUrl, HDPosterUrl, and FHDPosterUrl. |
live | boolean | Whether the asset is live or not. |
drmHttpAgentHeaders | roAssociativeArray | A key-value dictionary that contains additional HTTP headers that will be sent for DRM key/license requests. The keys represent the HTTP header names and the values represent their corresponding values. |
Typed Source
The following key/value pairs are supported on the sources
attribute of a Source Description:
Name | Type | Description |
src | String | The URL of the media resource. |
type | String | The content type (MIME type) of the media resource. Possible values are application/dash+xml and application/x-mpegURL |
title | String | The title of the media resource. |
description | String | The description of the media resource. |
playStart | Number | The position in the stream the user starts playback at. Use negative numbers to offset from the live edge. |
contentProtection | Content Protection | Parameters for DRM playback |
SDBifUrl | String | "Base Index Frames" URL for SD trick mode. |
HDBifUrl | String | "Base Index Frames" URL for HD trick mode. |
FHDBifUrl | String | "Base Index Frames" URL for FHD trick mode. |
"Base Index Frames" or BIF, is an archive file format that contains a set of still images, also known as "trick play thumbnails", supporting enhanced fast-forward and rewind modes during video playback.
Content Protection
The following key/value pairs are supported on the contentProtection
attribute of a Typed Source:
Name | Type | Description |
integration | String | Optional attribute. The key system the player should use. Possible values are playready , widevine . |
licenseUrl | String | The licence acquisition URL |
certificate | String | The actual certificate string for Widevine purposes, which must be obtained out-of-band (OOB) by the channel. Leave this unset unless Widevine is used for DRM. |
drmParams | DRM Parameters | An alternative way to set parameters for DRM playback. This attribute is only used when the integration attribute is not set. |
Example DRM source with VuDRM specific headers
To play videos protected using VUDRM, you need to supply a token. Replace the token vualto-demo|2018-06-19T09:18:24Z|YSnJPmEceo
in the code below with your own token as well as the associated values of the keys src
and licenseUrl
vuDrmSource = {
sources: [
src: ""
type: "application/dash+xml"
contentProtection: {
integration: "widevine"
licenseUrl: ""
drmHttpAgentHeaders: {
"x-vudrm-token": "vualto-demo|2018-06-19T09:18:24Z|YSnJPmEceo"
"Content-Type": "application/json"
DRM Parameters
The following key/value pairs are supported on the drmParams
attribute of a Content Protection:
Name | Type | Description |
KeySystem | String | "playready" or "widevine". This value is case-insensitive. The default is an empty string. |
licenseRenewURL | String | A URL location for sending license renewal requests. If not specified, the Roku OS will send renewal requests to the URL specified in the licenseServerURL. This only works with Widevine. |
licenseServerURL | String | A URL location of a license server. This URL may include CGI parameters. |
serializationURL | String | A server address used for device provisioning |
serviceCert | String | The actual certificate string for Widevine purposes, which must be obtained out-of-band (OOB) by the channel. Leave this unset unless Widevine is used for DRM. |
lic_acq_window | String | The maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that a channel waits before rotating its Widevine DRM keys. The channel can generate a random wait time between 0 and the value specified in the lic_acq_window field, and use the random wait time to instruct when the Video node should make its next Widevine license request. Available since Roku OS 10.5 |
Verizon Media specific Attributes
name | type | description |
ads | verizonMediaAds | Verizon media ads API, contains ads and ad breaks information |
assets | array of verizonMediaAsset | Verizon media assets API, contains assets information |
Method | Description |
addEventListener | Add a listener for the specified player event. |
destroy | Destroy the player. |
getVideoNode | Returns the interior Roku video node. |
pause | Pause playback. |
play | Start playback. |
removeEventListener | Remove the specified listener for the specified player event. |
setCopyGuardManagementSystem(cgms as Integer) | Sets Copy Guard Management System. Acceptable Values: 0 - No Copy Restriction,1 - Copy No More,2 - Copy Once Allowed,3 - No Copying Permitted. |
setDestinationRectangle(rect {w,h,x,y} as roAssociativeArray) | Sets width, height, x, y of player. |
setDestinationRectangle(w as Integer, h as Integer, x as Integer, y as Integer) | Sets width, height, x, y of player. |
setMaxVideoResolution(width as Integer, height as Integer) | Sets maximum video resolution. |
Verizon Media specific Methods
Method | Description |
skipAd | Skips Ad break if it is possible. This method is assigned directly to Player, due to roku specific architecture |
The event consists of:
- date (timestamp) of occurrence
- type (string) of the event
- extra data
There are several player events being emitted.
: Fired when audio track has been addedaddedtexttrack
: Fired when text track has been addedbitratechange
: Fired when the bitrate changes, the extra data emitted is the bitratecanplay
: Fired when the player can resume playback of the media data, the extra data emitted is the currentTimecanplaythrough
: Fired when the player can resume playback of the media data and buffering is unlikely, the extra data emitted is the currentTimedestroy
: Fired when the player is destroyed, there is no extra data emitted alongdurationchange
: Fired when the duration changes, the extra data emitted is the durationemptied
: Fired when the player's source is cleared, there is no extra data emitted alongended
: Fired when playback has stopped because the end of the media resource was reached, the extra data emitted is the currentTimeerror
: Fired when an error occurs, the extra data emitted is an associative array e.g.:
"error": "<string:error>",
"errorObject": {
"code": <integer:code>,
"message": <string:message>
: Fired when the player can render the media data at the current playback position for the first time, the extra data emitted is the currentTimeloadedmetadata
: Fired when the player determines the duration and dimensions of the media resource, the extra data emitted is the currentTimepause
: Fired when the "paused" changes to true, the extra data emitted is the currentTimeplay
: Fired when the "paused" changes to false, the extra data emitted is the currentTimeplaying
: Fired when playback is ready to start after having been paused or delayed due to lack of media data, the extra data emitted is the currentTimeseeked
: Fired when the "seeking" changes to false after the current playback position was changed, the extra data emitted is the currentTimeseeking
: Fired when "seeking" changes to true, and the player has started seeking to a new position, the extra data emitted is the currentTimesourcechange
: Fired when the player's source changes, the extra data emitted is an associative array e.g.:
"source": {
"sources": [
"liveOffset": 4,
"nativeUiRendering": false,
"contentProtection": {
"drmParams": {
KeySystem: "widevine"
licenseServerURL: ""
"type": "dash"
: Fired when the current playback position changed as part of normal playback or in an especially interesting way, for example discontinuously, the extra data emitted is the currentTime
Verizon Media specific Events
all events contain following data:
(timestamp) of occurrencetype
(string) of the event
ads events:
all ads events contain additional field ad
of type VerizonMediaAd e.g.:
apiFramework: invalid
companions: [...]
creative: "b1dcbf39be7941338d91e0a68664875a"
duration: 15.0694
endTime: 431.729
events: {...}
extensions: [...]
freeWheelParameters: {...}
height: 0
mimeType: "uplynk/m3u8"
startTime: 416.66
width: 0
: fired when an ad beginsadcomplete
: fired when ad is completedadend
: fired when ad endsremovead
: fired when ad is removedadfirstquartile
: fired when the ad reaches the first quartileadmidpoint
: fired when the ad reaches the midpointadthirdquartile
: fired when the ad reaches the third quartile
ad breaks events:
all ads events contain additional field adBreak
of type VerizonMediaAdBreak e.g.:
ads: [
apiFramework: invalid
companions: [...]
creative: "b813270206374fd0bc6ebafc6d60c551"
duration: 15.0462
endTime: 431.706
events: {...}
extensions: [...]
freeWheelParameters: {...}
height: 0
mimeType: "uplynk/m3u8"
startTime: 416.66
width: 0
duration: 30.0692
endTime: 446.729
skipOffset: -1
startTime: 416.66
: fired when ad break beginsadbreakend
: fired when ad break endsupdateadbreak
: fired when the ad break is updatedadbreakskip
: fired when ad break is skippedaddadbreak
: fired when ad break is addedremoveadbreak
: fired when ad break is removed
assets events:
all assets events contain additional field asset
of type VerizonMediaAsset e.g.:
assetId: "41afc04d34ad4cbd855db52402ef210e"
audioOnly: 0
boundaryDetails: invalid
defaultPosterUrl: ""
description: "Yahoo News - Unfiltered: GWAR Halloween - 3/1/19"
duration: 415.659
endTime: 415.659
error: false
externalId: ""
hasAdultLanguage: false
hasDrugSituations: false
hasSexualSituations: false
hasViolence: false
isAd: false
maxSlice: 101
metadata: invalid
movieRating: -1
ownerId: "fb3a4cb9965b46678fa101477ffad8fb"
posterUrl: ""
rates: [
sliceDuration: 4.096
startTime: 0
thumbnailResolutions: [
bh: 128
bw: 128
height: 72
prefix: ""
width: 128
thumbPrefix: ""
tvRating: -1
: fired when asset has been addedassetinforesponse
: fired when an asset info response is received. This event does not containasset
field butresponse
: fired when asset has been removed
ping events:
: fired when a Ping error has been received. Contains additionalerror
(string) field.pingresponse
: fired when a Ping response is received. Contains additionalresponse
of type VerizonMediaPingResponse field e.g.:
ad_data: <Component: roAssociativeArray>
aspect_ratio: 1.77778
asset: "bcf7d78c4ff94c969b2668a6edc64278"
audio_only: 0
boundary_details: invalid
default_poster_url: ""
desc: "Build Series NYC - Allen Leech - 10/31/18"
duration: 1178.03
error: 0
external_id: ""
is_ad: 0
max_slice: 287
meta: <Component: roAssociativeArray>
movie_rating: -1
owner: "fb3a4cb9965b46678fa101477ffad8fb"
poster_url: ""
rates: <Component: roArray>
rating_flags: 0
slice_dur: 4.096
storage_partitions: <Component: roArray>
thumb_prefix: ""
thumbs: <Component: roArray>
tv_rating: -1
preplay events:
: fired when a Ping response is received. Contains additionalresponse
of type VerizonMediaPreplayResponse field e.g.:
ad_data: {...}
aspect_ratio: 1.77778
asset: "bcf7d78c4ff94c969b2668a6edc64278"
audio_only: 0
boundary_details: invalid
default_poster_url: ""
desc: "Build Series NYC - Allen Leech - 10/31/18"
duration: 1178.03
error: 0
external_id: ""
is_ad: 0
max_slice: 287
meta: {...}
movie_rating: -1
owner: "fb3a4cb9965b46678fa101477ffad8fb"
poster_url: ""
rates: [...]
rating_flags: 0
slice_dur: 4.096
storage_partitions: [...]
thumb_prefix: ""
thumbs: [...]
tv_rating: -1