Heading to Streaming Media West 2016? We look forward to seeing you in Huntington Beach!

California is calling! THEOplayer will be at this year's Streaming Media West event. Let's catch up at Booth 214 and catch up about how THEOplayer can help your business excel with online video.
Our CTO Pieter-Jan and Bill Couch from Periscope will also have the pleasure to show you how Periscope is using THEOplayer as their preferred HTML5-based online video solution.
Save the date!
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. How Periscope Migrated To HTML5 And Low Latency HLS
Who? Pieter-Jan Speelmans, CTO of THEOplayer and Bill Couch (Lead Web Engineer at Periscope)
Key features of THEOplayer are:
- Adaptive playback of MPEG-DASH and HLS
- Video-on- Demand, Live and DVR streaming
- Cross-platform DRM (vudrm, Verimatrix, Microsoft Azure Media Services)
- UI or fully chromeless depending on specific needs
- Managed cloud hosted or self-hosted depending on specific needs
- Fully compatible with streaming solutions from Elemental Technologies, Envivio, Fabrix, Microsoft Azure Media Services, Unified Streaming, Imagine Communications, Wowza
- Integration with Nielsen's DTVR (Digital Television Ratings)
- Supports Yospace's server-side dynamic ad-insertion
Playback features:
- Multi-audio tracks
- Seamless multi-period playback for MPEG-DASH
- Subtitles: CEA608/708, WebVTT, TTML
- Trick play: slow motion and high speed playback
- Frame accurate seeking
- ID3 metadata
- Ads support: VAST, VPAID2, VMAP
What is Streaming Media West?
Streaming Media conferences and expos are the only events dedicated entirely to the business, technology, and content of online video. Attendees can learn from online video experts, try out new products on the expo floor, and, most importantly, have fun while learning new things and networking with your peers. You can expect to leave with actionable advice and new strategies for moving your business forward.